
Chapter 57

Chapter 57

If it wasn't for Kate, Rick had been attacked by those women. Kate had put herself in front of him and explained to the women he wasn't hurting her, that he didn't do anything bad to her. She tried to explain but they didn't believe her, so she at least made them promise not to jump him. They agreed reluctantly and Kate sighed with relief. Now the vans had come and the women jumped on them. Kate had told them why and where they were going. Once all the women were inside they started driving back to the precinct. Kate and Rick was in one car with two women and one baby. The baby was really quiet which concerned Kate. Shouldn't almost newborn babies scream and cry a lot in the beginning? Or was that only something she had told herself? The women in the car both seemed to be in their thirties.

"What's your names?" Kate asked to start a conversation.

"I'm Lizzie" the woman with the baby said low.

"I'm Clara" the other woman mumbled.

"Where are you from?" Kate asked and looked on Lizzie through the rear mirror.

Lizzie looked at her like she was nuts.

"The basement, like we all do" she answered.

Kate almost stepped on the brake from surprise.

"What?" Rick exclaimed and turned around.

That made the baby cry and the women got scared. Lizzie started trying to hush the baby and whispered some words, to Kate it sounded like Lizzie said something like "be quiet, it's only worse when someone cries". Rick saw what he's action had caused and turned around to sit quiet in his seat.

"He's not gonna hurt you, he just wanted to know what you meant by 'basement'?" Kate said and watched Lizzie through the mirror.

"We were born there" Clara mumbled.

"You were born in that basement?" Rick asked and Kate could hear in his voice he did everything he could not to scare them again.

"Yeah?" Lizzie answered.

Kate and Rick looked at each other. They both had the same theory. Paublo was probably the father to both the younger women and to the children. That's one sick man.

Kate took a turn and they came into the city.

"What's this place? Why is there so many buildings?" Clara asked looking out the windows.

"Umm... This is New York, the buildings are both homes and work places for people" Kate said trying not to sound surprised since it felt like that might make them feel disgraced.

"Wooow" Lizzie said and Kate felt like she had a big stone in her stomach.

She was worried about them, even though they were free now there were so much they didn't know about the world that they needed to know to survive out here. They probably hadn't had any school, and they were afraid of men which is fully understandable but the world contains as much men as women and they would have to face them every day. She was afraid to what might happen to them and she was afraid of the thought that she wouldn't be able to help them, no matter what she did. This must be one of the toughest cases she had ever faced.


SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!! And for the short chapter... I've had a lot to do and not been able to finish it...

Oh, and I thought I might tell you, cause some of you commented about it, the reason the chapters are all not very long is because I post it on Instagram too and don't want the text to be too long there, hope you like it anyway!