
Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Kate was in shock, and so was Rick. All the women turned to them with fear in their eyes. Kate couldn't tell if they were afraid of them or for whoever they thought would come through the door. She put down her gun and looked around. She quietly counted the cages. One. Two. Three... Eight. Nine. Ten. Ten cages. Mostly there were two women in each cage. In some of them were even babies or small children. Rick could see in Kate's eyes that she was in too much shock to do anything so he searched the room after keys to open the cages. He found some hanging on the wall on their left side and went over there to get it.

"Who are you?" a woman in her fifties asked with a scrubby voice.

The question made Kate snap out of her shock.

"I'm detective Kate Beckett, this is my partners, detective Kevin Ryan, detective Javi Esposito and this is Richard Castle. What happened to you?" Kate said carefully while walking to Rick to get the keys from him.

He gave her the keys willingly and she started unlocking the first cage, the one with the fifties woman and another on who couldn't be older than twenty.

"Detective? That means you're police? Please don't let them come back for us" the twenty year old said frightened.

"We won't. But you'll have to tell us what happened and who did it for us to be able to do anything at all" Kate said gently.

The two women went out of the cage and obeyed Kate when she told them to go stand by the right wall while she freed the others. It was quiet the rest of the time. Kate quickly made the math before unlocking the two last cages.

"Go call Gates, we'll need four more cars, or maybe only three if she sends mini vans" she told one of the back-up guys and he did as he was told.

"Can we get out of here now? I haven't felt the sun on my face since I don't know when" a woman in her thirties said with a newborn child in her arms.

It couldn't be more than a few days old. Kate's heart melted when she looked at it. She wasn't really a baby person but every since Benny she had turned little by little. She hadn't told that to Rick though. That would have made him say 'I told you so!' and he would never let her forget about it.

"Yeah, let's go" Kate answered and let out the last two women.

They went up the stairs. Some of the women were very protective and didn't look like they trusted neither her or the rest of the men, especially not the men. They tried to walk as far alway from them as possible and some tried to be a lot closer to Kate than she thought they should be. Kate heard a thump and turned around to find one of the women on the ground. Ryan immediately bent down to help her and when he touched her she started screaming and crawled into a ball. Ryan let go of her with a surprised facial expression and looked at Kate for help. Kate went up to the woman and bent down, she made sure not to touch her.

"Heey, we are not going to hurt you. Detective Ryan here was just trying to help you get up" Kate talked slowly and with a sooth voice.

The woman looked up at her with a scared face but she calmed down when she looked into Kate's eyes. Kate saw the change and reached out her hand to help the woman but was careful not to touch her, she figured it was best if she let the woman touch her and not the other way around. The woman looked at her hand and took it. Kate helped to woman stand up and then they all continued walking towards the exit. Rick was amazed by how good his fiancè could handle this kind of things. She always seemed to make people feel comfortable. Well, at least when she wanted to. She went to his side again and when she finally met his eyes, he smiled at her. She smiled back and in her eyes was the love she felt for him. He saw her eyes look at his lips and then in his eyes again. He wanted to kiss her so bad, every time she did that. They got outside and waited and the parking lot for the other cars.

Rick took Kate's hand while they waited and they both looked around at the different women. She took a step closer to him, both cause she wanted to feel him near her and cause she wanted to be able to talk to him without the women hearing.

"What do you think happened to them?" Kate asked him.

"I don't know, my brain keeps writing different versions in my head but I really don't wanna think about any of them" Rick said with a worried expression.

Kate put her head on Rick's shoulder and Rick put his arm around her. She always felt safer when he did that.

"Hey! Let her go!" one of the women, a blonde girl in her twenties, yelled and walked towards Rick with a threatening finger.

The rest of the woman snapped their heads towards Rick and Kate and then they followed the blonde woman who had yelled.

"Leave her be!" anther one yelled and both Kate and Rick looked at each other with wide eyes.

Ryan and Esposito was shocked and froze on their places. So did the back up guys. All the women started yelling and their eyes were on Rick. The women were almost in close range and that's when Kate followed the blonde one's eyes and saw her looking at Rick's hand around her. She suddenly understood and got out of Rick's arms to put herself in front of him.

"Wait! It's not what you think" Kate tried to say as calmly as she could.