
Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Kate had drove the car to the parking the building had since they didn't want to hike through the forest once again. Plus they had seen the parking when they arrested Paublo's men.

"Ok, so where do you want us to start the search?" Espo asked Rick.

"Well, first of all we should search for a basement" he answered and they jumped out of the car.

The people they had brought jumped out of their car as well and walk towards them to find out what to do.

"Let's go inside" Kate said, taking command over her groupe.

They stepped inside the building with drawn weapons. Kate got a creepy feeling from being there again and couldn't shake it. She was worried about Rick too, since he had his wound. She would wanna lock him up inside the car with her cuffs (to make sure he wouldn't escape) but she didn't want to leave him alone either. Sure, she could leave him there with one of the back-up guys but that would mean she wouldn't be there with him, and she needed to look after him herself.

"Over here!" Rick shouted as he went to Kate's right and opened a door.

In front of them was a stair which led down into darkness.

"Uh" Rick said and Kate could hear the suspiciousness in his voice.

"Well, what did you expect? A paradise?" Espo commented.

Rick turned around and shrugged. Kate stepped in front of him and started walking down the stair, step by step. The guys immediately followed her with raised guns. Well, Rick didn't have any weapon, but he was behind Espo and Ryan so he should be fine. Kate lighted up her flashlight and held it against her gun to be able to see where she pointed it.

They soon reached the end of the stairs and the light from the flashlights flashed around the room. The room was small with three doors in it. Kate walked up to the first one and opened it fast with her gun up. The room was empty so she moved on to the door in the middle and opened it. Nothing. She went to the last door, thinking there would be nothing in there either. But when she opened that door. Her whole body stiffened and a chill rushed up her back. In front of them were cages. Cages filled with women of all ages.


SORRY for the short chapter!!! Love you!