
Chapter 54

Chapter 54

"Who is it that you're hiding?" Kate asked for the hundredth of time.

"No one!" Paublo answered. Again.

"I think it's either someone you love or care about" Rick said but it didn't break the face Paublo had put on.

"Maybe we should go search that building again, see if we find someone" Kate said and started packing up her papers.

Paublo looked like he wanted to protest but didn't say anything. They went out of the interrogation room and closed the door.

"So, what's your theory?" Kate asked Rick.

Espo and Ryan joined them and waited for Rick's answer.

"I think there's something more going on, I don't think it's something much bigger than that he's protecting someone he care about. I think the reason he killed those people was because he felt like they threatened to expose the person he's protecting" Rick said and Kate thought about it.

"Maybe, but anyway we have to get back to that building, even though I don't like it" Kate said with a wrinkled nose.

Rick agreed and so did Ryan and Espo. They all went to Gates office to tell her about the new theory. When they were done Gates looked at them and Kate could almost swear she could see concern in her eyes.

"You have to bring more people, cause I don't want you to get stuck in that forest again. Especially not now after that man threatening two of you" Gates said and they all agreed.

They went to their desks and took their things.

"I'm driving" Kate said and the boys were about to protest but closed their mouths when they noticed the look she gave them.

They gathered a few more men and went down to the cars. Kate didn't know what to think of this theory, she didn't want to go back to those forests but it looked like she had no choice since the key to solving this murder must be there. While they drove they didn't talk, at least not in the beginning.

"So, what really happened on that camping trip of yours?" Ryan asked.

Kate glanced at Rick and caught his eyes. Without any words they decided that Rick could tell them.

"Well, when we got there nothing seemed wrong, it was first on the second day when we went out hiking when we discovered the massgrave and when we got back there was a guy talking to someone in the phone, probably Paublo, and said that if he saw us he would kill us. After that we hid in the treehouse me and Alexis built a long time ago..."

"Wait, you built a treehouse?" Espo interrupted and bursted out in laughter.

"What? At least it came in handy" Rick said and then continued. "Well and then when we were trying to figure out where to go the next day we met one of the men who worked fo Paublo, so I tried to knock him out while I told Kate to run and then it all happened so fast, I got captured and was held inside a room which was covered in blood. I managed to escape that room only to run into the men again. That's when they took me to another room with more light, and then later on they threw in Kate..."

"What do you mean by threw?" Ryan asked surprised.

"They knocked me unconscious, ok?" Kate interrupted and sighed.

"So they just threw you in like garbage?" Espo asked upset.

"Believe me, it was not a a good sight" Rick said and shuddered.

It hurt inside of him to just think of that moment, she had been gone and he hadn't gotten any direct contact. It had almost been like her shooting all over again. He snapped out of it and continued.

"After Kate finally had woken up we met with Paublo and soon after that we managed to escape" Rick finished.

"We're here" Kate said and pulled over the car.


Hey!! Please leave a comment on what you think of my story! It would help a lot when it comes to get into the mood of writing :) and thank you so much for reading!! You have no idea how much it means that so many of you are reading it! Love you all![3