
Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Kate and the two detectives all waited for Rick to return with one of his crazy theories. Kate loved the facial expression he always did when he travelled around different theories. He was too cute and he used to have the same expression while he was sleeping. She had always wondered if that meant he dreamed about different case-scenarios and what could have caused them, cause it was almost always how he looked when they had gone home without closing a case. And sometimes when she woke up he was already up and said he had a theory he had been working on since he got up.

"Do you really think he can come up with a realistic theory about this?" Espo asked and there was doubt in his voice.

"Not sure, but it's worth a try" Kate said and tried to think herself.

'What could be so important to hide that they killed dozens of people to cover it?' she thought.

Rick hadn't heard what either Espo or Kate had said cause he was in his own world trying to figure out what Paublo might be in to. Maybe he did it because he can't build a family, and he was jealous some from his past could. Maybe he got payed to kill them. Maybe he dealed with human trafficking. Or... maybe...

"I have a theory!" Rick exclaimed and the three detectives jumped by the loud statement.

"Well?" Kate asked when he didn't say anything.

"No, I'll have to check it first" Rick said and Kate sighed.

"Not again, Castle, you know you're annoying me when you don't tell" Kate said and he smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes, and caught Espo's stare from behind Rick. He mimicked something that she first didn't understand but when he did it again she looked down and thought about it. He had mimicked "seduce him" but doing that inside the precinct would be dangerous since they both were supposed to act professional to be allowed to work together. She looked up at Rick and thought of doing it anyway.

"Just tell us" Kate said instead.

"Not now, we have to go interrogate Paublo" Rick said and tried to stand up but ended up making a face of pain.

Kate immediately reached for him and checked his side, it looked alright so she helped him get up. She was worried but she knew she wouldn't be able to stop him since he was determined not to tell her what he thought about. She held her hands around his hips and he had his arm around her shoulders. They got into the room where Paublo was waiting and sat down across him, he was in cuffs so there was no way he could hurt any of them. She could feel the gaze from Espo and Ryan from the other side of the glass but tried to ignore them.

"Soo, I didn't kill you then?" Paublo said with a sad smile.

"You should be relieved you didn't" Kate spat threatening.

Paublo looked at her shocked, then smiled.

"So you think you could have revenged him, huh? Well, only in your dreams" he smirked.

"Don't unleash the tiger, believe me, you don't want her on your bad side" Rick said and Kate was surprised by the honesty in his voice.

"What were you doing out in those woods?" Kate asked harsh.

"Didn't Michael visit you two?" he asked and raised one eyebrow.

"You do know that only makes her more curious? You should've known that" Rick said in a disappointing tone and Paublo started to look a little nervous.

"Now, tell us" Kate demanded.

The silence fell and Paublo didn't look like he was about to talk, so Rick decided to give it a try.

"What is it that you're hiding? Or is a who?" Rick asked and Paublo looked at him with wide eyes.

Kate loved when Rick did that, when he figured out something and then it turned out to be the key to the next step in the case.

"How...?" Paublo started but cut it off.

"I'm not saying another word."