
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"Detective Beckett? A word with you" Gates said when Kate and Rick arrived at the precinct.

Kate looked at Rick with worried eyes."I'll just go sit in my chair, I'm fine" he said and though she could hear his pain she nodded.

She knew he didn't want her to worry, which was one of the reasons she did worry about him. She followed Gates into her office and closed the door behind her. Suddenly she got a thought that told her Gates might know why she didn't answer too and just the thought made her blush.

"Why is mr. Castle in here? Shouldn't he be resting?" Gates said and Kate started to breath again.

"He wouldn't take no for an answer, plus there was a man who threatened us when we came home. He wouldn't let me go by myself and I don't want him over there alone" Kate said and looked out at Rick through the glass. He met her gaze and smiled towards her. She could see Espo and Ryan walk towards him but she couldn't figure out what they were saying.

"What?" Gates asked and Kate told her everything about the unknown man.


Espo and Ryan went up to Rick. Espo had a silly smile on his face and Rick feared what he was going to say.

"Sooo... tell us the details" Espo teased.

"What... are you talking about?" Rick said trying to play the innocent card.

"Knock it off, I know that you know" Espo said and smiled evily.

Rick knew that Kate would kill him, literally, if he told anyone anything about those kind of things about her, especially if she found out.

"No can do" Rick said and smiled back.

"Why are you so interested?" Ryan asked and Espo just looked at him.

"So you're not curious at all? Have you never wondered how Beckett is when you know?" Espo said accusingly.

"Nope, not at all" Ryan said.

"Liar" Espo said after a few minutes and turned to Rick again.

"Well? Come on!" he said and Kate sneaked up behind him.

"What are you talking about?" she asked and Espo jumped.

"Nothing!" Espo said and she gave him her suspicion-look.

Rick was glad she had come, if she hadn't and he had said anything, any little detail, she would have strangled him in his sleep.

"Any new leads on what was going on in that forest?" Kate asked the boys.

"No, I'm not even sure something really was going on in there" Ryan said and looked through some papers.

"Something must've been going on, otherwise that man wouldn't have come and threatened to kill us if we continued digging" Rick said and the three detectives could see his eyes leave this world and enter his theory-place.