
Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Kate had a silly smile on her face, she had her head against Rick's bare chest and loved the smell from him. Her phone had called a few times but they hadn't cared. She felt like she should've but all she had thought about was Rick and his body against hers. Her phone rang again and she sighed. She pulled herself up and looked at it. It was the precinct.

"Beckett" she answered and she could hear a relieved sigh on the other end.

"Thank god! Why haven't you answered your phone?!" Esposito asked angrily.

"Ummm..." Kate didn't know what to say.

"Wait, is Castle home again? Are you two home?" Espo said and she bit her lip.

"Maaaybeee?" she answered and Espo laughed.

"Shut up" Kate said and she started to dress herself.

Rick noticed and followed her lead, he jumped out of bed and put on his clothes.

"You tired? Should I let you two finish?" Espo teased and laughed louder.

She could hear Ryan ask in the background on what was so funny and Espo told him they were using line four.

"Hey Beckett! What's so funny that Javi here can't tell himself?" Ryan asked in the phone and Kate frowned.

Why??? She looked over at Rick and he gave her a confused look. The smile that had been on her face was replaced by an embarrassing and irritated look. She just shrugged and gave him the phone, she continued to dress herself completely.

"Castle?" Rick said into the phone and he heard Espo bursting out into even louder laughter.

"What's so funny?" Ryan demanded.

"I don't know, Beckett just gave me the phone? Javi, tell me what's so funny" Rick said threatening.

Kate rolled her eyes, she was just gonna let boys be boys. This should be as embarrassing for him as it was for her. She pecked his cheek and they went out in the hall to take their jackets.

"I now know why Beckett didn't answer her phone and it was all you, right?" Espo managed to say before laughing even more.

"Wait, that's what this is all about?" Ryan asked disappointed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Rick said trying to act innocent.

Now he knew why Kate had given him the phone and had rolled her eyes. Kate looked at him and smiled, she could see his cheeks turn a little bright red.

"Sure you do!" Espo said and Rick heard Gates in the background ask what was going on.

"Nothing" Ryan said and hung up his phone.

Not more than a second after so did Espo. Rick gave back Kate's phone to her.

"They are weird" he said and Kate nodded.

They went down to the car and drove to the precinct.