
Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Kate reached for her gun but the unknown man had his gun pointing at them and his body language told her that if she took it up he would start shooting. Kate put herself in front of Rick which he immediately disapproved by making a sound of his. Kate didn't listen though, she held his hand in hers but stood a little in front of him, just in case.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Kate asked the unknown man.

"It's not what I want, it's what Paublo want. Right now he doesn't want you dead, yet. He want me to warn you that if you keep digging where your nose doesn't belong, he will send me back here to have you killed" the man said and with the gun still pointing at them he stepped closer.

He was right in front of Kate when he reached for her gun and took it. Kate thought of starting a fight but with the odds of either her or Rick to get shot was to many, so she decided not to.

"Move to the couch, now" the man said and they did as they were told. "Now stay there in case you wanna live".

The man went out the door and Kate stood up to run after him but Rick took her hand and pulled her back.

"Please" he said and she saw the fear in his eyes.

The fear of her getting hurt, of her being shot. She knew that feeling to well, she could feel it when he was with her on a dangerous case or see it in his eyes every time he thought she might get hurt. She nodded and he let go, she hold up a finger and mimicked 'wait a second'. She went into their bedroom and took out her extra piece in case the man would come back. She went back to Rick who now stood up and went towards the door, she almost started running against him, cause she thought he was going after the guy himself, but he just locked the door. She calmed down and when she saw the pain Rick got when he moved she helped him into their bedroom. He lay down in the bed and he made himself comfortable.

"I know what you're thinking" Rick said and Kate looked at him with a surprised facial expression. "You won't back down now, not since he threatened to kill us but I'm begging you to take me with you".

Kate looked at Rick, she looked at his wound and then she sat down on the bed beside him.

"Okay, but you have to take it easy, and promise not to do the things that hurts" Kate commanded.

"Promise" Rick said with a smile and his hand in the air.

Kate smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him. The kiss wasn't supposed to be long but it deepened and ended up being longer than she'd thought.

"Let's go" Rick said and jumped out of the bed.

Kate stood up too but took his hand.

"Wait" Kate mumbled and pulled Rick towards herself, pressing her lips against his.

She stepped back and let herself fall down on the bed, pulling Rick down with her. He was on top of her and they continued kissing. Kate had her arms around his neck and her fingers in his hair. Rick was quite surprised but the fire around them was something that couldn't be tamed. He felt pain shooting from his wound but didn't care, Kate's body against his made it all feel better.