
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The sunset came and Kate's stomach told them it was time for food. They got up and went to the bags to bring out the food Rick had packed. When Kate tried to help him he just scooffed her off and said that he would handle the food. She didn't know what else to do so she took one of the camping chairs they took with them and sat in it. She watched every move the love of her life made.

Rick lay out some stones in a circle and went to one of the trees in the forest to take out some wood he and his family had hid in a hole. He went back to the circle and put down the wood, pulling out some matches and started a fire. He made the food and when it was time for them to eat the sky was dark.

Kate wasn't afraid of the dark but Rick could see her eyes look after every sound, trying to figure out what could have made it before letting it go. Rick wanted so badly to take her edge of but he knew that wouldn't be easy, not since she was a cop trained to be on alert.

Kate couldn't help but stiffen when the sound of night in a forest started coming. There was an owl somewhere howling and the fishes in the lake jumping, making the water splash under them. She felt Rick's eyes on her but continued eating before the next sound came. She looked at her left and tried to see into the darkness.

"Have you been camping before?" Rick asked curious.

"Not for real" she said and when he met his eyes she smiled, biting her lip before telling him. "I've never gone camping in a forest, only at my friends' houses. You know, like putting up a tent in the garden and trying real hard to make it be like a camping trip but ending up sleeping inside the house instead."

He laughed low and put his plate away. He moved closer to her and she shivered. Not cause of him but cause of the coldness which was coming with the night. She took the last bite of her food and cuddled up to him. They hold each other in their arms and Kate started to relax. Rick felt it and smiled a little to himself. He made her feel safe, and that made him feel important. Kate could smell Rick and every inch of her body relaxed. She could feel him smelling her hair.

"So what now?" Kate asked and she could feel Rick's hand making small circles on her back.

"I don't know. Scary stories?" Rick said with a teasy smile.

She looked at him and laughed. Like he could scare her! A detective who don't believe in anything out of the ordinary.

Rick looked at Kate with amusement. He loved her laugh, it was like music in his ears.

"Sure, you try" Kate said between the laughs.

Rick thought a minute and then started.