
Chapter 49

Chapter 49

"Aren't we going back to the precinct?" Rick said after Kate turned towards his loft.

"The doc told me you have to rest, and you shouldn't be out running so I'm taking you home" Kate said trying to keep calm.

"But you do know there is no way I'm gonna let you go interrogate that perp alone" Rick said with his I'm-worried-voice.

Kate had her eyes on the road. She didn't know what she was suppose to do. Stay with him to be sure that he won't do anything stupid, take him with her to the precinct or go without him. She didn't feel like facing Paublo without him but she didn't want him to hurt himself any more than he already had.

"Kate?" Rick said when he hadn't gotten an answer.

"I... I don't know" Kate said with a frown.

She pulled the car into the parking space and turned the engine off. They state in the car in silence.

"I don't want anything to happen to you when I'm nowhere near to help you" Rick said truthfully.

"I know... it's just... I need to help them get the answers from Paublo and I need you to be safe" Kate answered and looked at him.

They stared into each other's eyes. They both had the same worry in their eyes, it was painful to see. Yet they couldn't take their eyes of each other. Rick leaned into the middle and so did Kate. Their lips touched and they immediately opened them to let their tongues touch as well. Rick could almost swear that the feeling he always got when they kissed must be how it felt being high on something. He loved her taste, he loved the feeling he got, a feeling no words could describe and that he had never ever felt with someone else in his entire life. He softly moved his hands to her hair and started to play with it. Kate loved having his fingers in her hair, it was comfortable. His lips was soft against hers and they had to break it off to catch their breaths, their foreheads touching. Rick took Kate's hand and made small circles on it. He smiled and laughed low, Kate looked at him with a questioningly look.

"You remember when I did this and you went all stunned? When you didn't really know what would happen next?" Rick asked and Kate smiled at the memory.

"Yeah, I remember loud and clear, what did you really think when you took my hand?" Kate asked, she had wondered that a long time but ever since they got together she hadn't really paid it a thought.

"I don't know, I think I thought I would do it so you could have some information about Royal" Rick answered with a shrug.

Kate looked down and felt Rick's gaze on her.

"You know, at that moment I really wanted you to kiss me. I knew you had said that you loved me and all that time I wasn't ready to deal with it. But in right that moment I wanted you to just kiss me, then I understood what was happening and I got afraid" Kate whispered and bit her lip.

Why was she telling him this? It didn't really matter anymore, not since they were together, not since there was nothing they could do about it now.

"You know what?" Rick asked and paused to wait for her to look up at him.

When she did he continued.

"All I wanted in that moment was to kiss you, my whole soul wanted to kiss you. But I didn't know what would happen if I did, and in your eyes were fear and when you said my name I just snapped out of it, tried to be my normal self and get out of there as fast as possible before I did something stupid that would ruin everything" Rick admitted.

Kate smiled and Rick pecked her lips.

" We should get up" he said and opened the car door.

Kate and Rick went up to his loft hand in hand. They didn't notice something was wrong until they opened the door, and that was too late.