
Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Kate was facing Bracken who had a grip on her mother. He smiled evily and when Kate was about to shoot him with the gun that appeared in her hands a laugh med her turn to her right. There was 3XK with Rick in his grip, also he with and evil smile on his lips.

"You can't save both!" Bracken said and laughed.

Kate only had one bullet. Kate's heart started beating hard against her chest. How was she supposed to choose? She saw the fear in Rick's eyes and her heart broke. Then she looked at her mother that only smiled sadly at her, like she knew Kate wouldn't pick her. But Kate wasn't sure, she loved Rick with her whole heart and soul but her mother was still her mother.

"Kate" a familiar yet comforting voice said and Kate turned around to see Montgomery stand just a few meters from her.

"Roy?" Kate said and got tears in her eyes.

"Remember, there are no victories, only the battles" he said and Kate nodded.

"Yeah, I remember, but how is that supposed to help me?" Kate asked confused and heartbroken.

"We are the only thing they got once the wicked rob them of their voices, we owe them that. But we don't owe them our lives" Montgomery said and Kate suddenly knew exactly what she was going to do.

She turned around, looked at her mother and raised her gun. 3XK laughed because he was going to take Rick's life since Kate had made her choice. She had but he hadn't gotten it right. Right before she fired she pointed her gun towards 3XK and shot him in his head.

"Kate? Kate?!" Rick's voice dragged her out of her sleep.

Kate opened her eyes and looked into Rick's wonderful blue eyes. She smiled and touched his face. She pulled up a little to kiss his lips. He kissed her back but she could feel the question mark in his kiss. They pulled apart and Rick lay down beside her again but didn't take his eyes off her.

"What happened?" he asked carefully.

"Just a nightmare" Kate mumbled.

He stroke her cheek and she felt better. Someone knocked on the door and the doc came in once again.

"Everything looks good, you're not supposed to do much because the stitches can be torn up, so take it easy ok?" the doc said after checking Rick's bandage.

"So, I can go now?" Rick asked happy.

Kate smiled and shook her head, he looked like a little kid asking to get candy.

"Yes, you can go. Just remember, don't do anything heavy. Detective Beckett?" Kate looked at the doc.


"A word with you?" the doc said and started to go towards the door.

Kate looked at Rick who looked at her confused. She shrugged and followed the doc outside the room.

"I know he's consulting at your precinct but I really think he should go right home and rest, not try to do too much. And if I got this right he won't let you go there alone, so for his own safety I think you should both get home and not go to work, you got it?" the doc asked and Kate looked at the door to the room Rick was in.

"Yeah, I got it" Kate said and the doc left her.

She knew she wouldn't be able, just like the doc said, to get Rick home and then go by herself to the precinct. But she also had to end this case, she wanted it to be done. She opened the door and found Rick dressing himself by the bed. She could see the pain it caused him so she went over there to help him. She help him getting his shirt over his head and pecked his lips when he was fully dressed.

"Now, let's get out of here" Rick said and they held hands while walking out of the hospital.


Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had no time... well, here it is!