
Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Kate was surprised by the sudden movement from Rick that had pulled her down to him. He kissed her gently and she drowned in his soft kiss. At first she was afraid to hurt him but little by little she let her body touch his. He bit her lip, and she smiled while biting him back. She turned her head so she could catch her breath but Rick continued kissing her neck. Rick moved his hands to her hips and gently put her right leg on his left side so that she sat straddled over him. She knew this had gotten too far since he really should be resting but she couldn't stop herself. She had been so worried and all his kissing and just the feeling from his body against hers made her whole soul relax. His body warmth against her, sure, there was a blanket between them but the feeling was still the same. Kate moved her mouth to Rick's ear and bit it a little before she moved so that their lips touched again. Rick's hands followed the line from her back to her legs and up again. He tried to stand the temptation to slide his hands under her shirt but couldn't help himself. Kate liked the way his hands moved on her back, she shuddered from it and loved the way it made her feel. Her fingers found their way to Rick's hair and stayed there. Kate's mind started to work again and she pulled away by sitting up, she was still straddling over him, though. They both breathed heavily and Rick's hands were resting on her hips.

"You should be resting" Kate breathed slowly.

"Screw resting, all I need is you" Rick said and Kate smiled.

A knock on the door made Kate jump and when she snapped her head to look over there the door opened. The doctor who had told her about Rick's situation came inside and froze when he saw her on top of Rick. She immidiately looked down with cheeks burning so hard she wanted to die. She quickly got off Rick and sat down in the chair with a guilty/scared face. She was so embarrassed! Why did the doctor have to come right at that moment? The doctor cleared his throat, shook his head and started talking.

"Good, you're awake, mr Castle. How do you feel?" he said and looked over at Rick.

Kate could see how the doc tried to avoid looking at her and she just wanted to melt down and become one with the floor.

"I feel good, a little sore but nothing I won't survive" Rick answered as casually as he could.

"What is the last thing you remember before getting shot?" the doc continued and made notes in his papers.

"Passing out on the floor, I think I remember Kate trying to find the bullet hole" Rick said and looked at her.

The doc looked at Kate and she nodded. The doc turned to Rick again.

"I need to keep you here another hour but unless something happens you can go soon" the doc said after checking the machines and told them to push the bottom if something was wrong.

Before he got out of the room he turned and gave a look to both Rick and Kate.

"You need to rest" he said and then he went out and closed the door.

Kate bit her lip but once she met Rick's eyes she bursted out in laughter, and Rick joined her.