
Chapter 45

Chapter 45

"He had done the stupidest thing. You know him" Martha shook her head with a smile. "He was allergic to broccoli and had been since he was, I don't know, one or two?" Martha continued and Kate listened carefully.

She knew Martha only told her this to keep her mind of off Rick but she probably needed to think about something else but her sleeping and hurting fiancè.

"He's not allergic anymore but at that time we had to have a shot wherever we went in case he would happen to get broccoli in his mouth" Martha smiled at the memory.

"Did you use it? Once he got the allergic reaction?" Kate asked completely in for the story.

"No, I didn't even know he had had the reaction until they called from the hospital. I rushed there and was afraid to find out that he had died between the call had ended and the time I got there."

Kate looked at Rick and got tears in her eyes, Martha saw that and got a feeling she shouldn't have mentioned the 'die' part. She continued.

"When I got there, Richard just lay in the bed and was like 'don't worry, mother, I'm completely fine'. I was shocked but he seemed perfectly fine, except the grey color he had in his face. He had passed out at his friend's house after eating broccoli. You wanna know what he said once I asked how he had gotten the damn vegetable?" Martha asked.

"Did he get it in some salad?" Kate asked she looked up at Martha and saw her shake her head.

"No, he had asked his friend to go get the stupid broccoli so he could see how allergic he was and what it felt like" Martha said with a deep sigh.

Kate laughed quietly.

"That sounds like the Rick I know" she said and smiled at Martha who smiled back.

"Mother, what have I told you about telling people about my childhood?" a raspy voice said and both Kate and Martha looked down at Rick.

He had his eyes open, not fully since he tried to get used to the light. Kate gasped and threw herself at him. She hugged him as much as she could since he was in a bed. That's when it was his turn to gasp, but not for the same reason.

"Ouch" he whispered and Kate let go.

"Sorry, sorry" she said with big concern in her voice so he ignored the pain and gave her a smile.

When she didn't return his smile he knew it was because of the guilt.

"Come here" he said and put his hand softly against her cheek.

She came closer and when there were only a few inches from their lips to touch he closed the space by pulling himself up and kissed her. The kiss deepened and Rick opened his mouth and touched her lower lip with his tongue. She immidiately opened up her mouth to let him in. The taste of him was familiar and sweet, she loved it. It was like a drug to her. He smoothly lay back down since it hurt when he had tried to hold himself up and she followed him down.

They had completely forgotten Martha so when she cleared her throat they both looked up surprised. Kate's cheeks turned a bright red and the warmth spread from her cheeks to the rest of her body. She looked down with a small smile, she bit her lip because they still tingled after his lips touching them.

"Mother, why are you still here?" Rick asked and Kate slapped his arm lightly. "Ouch."

Martha started laughing, she loved when those two teased each other. Her son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. She had known once they'd finally gotten together that they were meant for each other. Well, she had known ever since that day Richard came home and told him about her because he had talked about her like she was the one. He hadn't known it at the time and it had taken a really long time for him to admit to it. She thought it had been the same for Katherine except she had been determined not to have feelings for him, and since Martha knew about her mother she couldn't blame her for not wanting to let people in.

"What made up story did you tell my lovely fiancè?" Rick asked.

"The broccoli incident" Martha said with a smile Kate didn't quite understand.

"Oh, a real event, huh" Rick said with a disapointed voice.

"What were you thinking eating something you're allergic to just to see HOW allergic you are?" Kate asked.

"I was five! And still it is me we're talking about" Rick said to defend himself.

Kate laughed and they held hands, Kate's fingers followed the lines in his hands.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, talk to you later kiddos" Martha said and left the room.

"Finally alone" Rick said and pulled down Kate to him so he could kiss her again.