
Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Kate sat on the side of the hospital bed and cried quietly. She had called Martha and Alexis and told them that Rick was in the hospital, the doctor said he was stable but that they needed to keep him under servelience. The reason Rick had passed out was because of the sudden blood lose and they had had to give him more if he would be able to survive. She couldn't help but feel responsible, she had let him come with her, besides she blamed herself for not seeing the gun.

"Oh, Katherine!" a familiar voice broke the silence and Kate quickly wiped her tears.

Martha went to her and gave her a hug. Kate hugged her back and te tears started coming again.

"It's not your fault" Martha said still hugging.

"Yes it is" Kate's voice cracked and her heart hurt.

"No it's not, he knows the risks that comes with following you around, plus he enjoys the thrills, except when you're in danger. That's the only time he doesn't like being the one he is, the writer with a lot of horrible scenarios in his head" Martha said.

Kate and Martha let go of each other and Kate sat down beside the bed again. She took Rick's hand and hold on to it.

"What if..." she started but Martha cut her off.

"No, he's going to make it. You know what? I'm going to tell you a story about when he was in the hospital for the first time" Martha said, she figured the only thing to make Katherine not to think about this scene was to bring her to another one.

Kate looked at her soon-to-be mother-in-law.

"I know what you're trying to do, but I..." Kate was cut off again.

"He was about five and hadhad an allergic reaction" Martha started.