
Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Kate was frightened, she at first didn't see where all the blood came from. It was all over him. Rick still moaned and turned in pain.

"Babe, lie still!" Kate said with panic in her voice.

"Man down, we need paramedics now!" Espo said in his radio.

Kate didn't hear him. All she could hear was her own heart beating hard against her chest and Rick's moaning. She tried to find where all the blood came from and was easy with her hands so she wouldn't cause him any more pain.

"There" Rick panted and pointed at his right side beneath his breast.

Kate gently removed his jacket. That's when she saw the bullet hole, it bled pretty badly so she took of her jacket and strapped it around the wound to stop the blood from coming. Rick shouted at the sudden pain but bit his lips to not scream again.

"Babe, are you hurt somewhere else?" Kate asked worried.

Her hole inside was screaming to help him but she couldn't do any more than she already did. And the way she saw it, it was her fault. If she had seen the gun coming he wouldn't have had to knock her over to save her. She stroke his face softly and he seemed to relax, like it didn't hurt as much as it had once he felt her. And that's how it was for Rick. As soon as she began to touch his face he didn't feel the pain anymore. All he could feel was her soft hand against his face. He opened his eyes and looked straight into hers. The fear she had in her eyes concerned him, he didn't want that fear in her adorable face. Then all of a sudden he felt very dizz and the black spots appeared.

"Kat....." Rick mouthed as he passed out.