
Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Kate, Rick, Espo and Ryan waited outside the bank were Paublo was last seen. According to the manager he was still in there. The police had sent a picture of Paublo to every bank in the city in case he would try get out money. Kate had doubted they would find with that but since they probably did she didn't complain. Kate prepared mentally to meet the man again, she didn't want to break down and especially not in front of her colleagues or Rick. She felt Rick's eyes on her, she knew he tried to figure out if she really could handle this or not.

"Let's go" she said and jumped out the car.

The guys followed her lead and they split up so Espo and Ryan took the backdoor which the manager had promised to open. While they took that way Kate and Rick took the front door. They knew Paublo would recognize them but maybe that would be good. Kate could feel Rick's gaze and since she didn't feel comfortable with that sort of gaze she reached down to her ankles and took out her extra piece. She handed it to him.

"Why?" Rick asked surprised.

"In case something happens, plus I don't want that gaze you're giving me right now" Kate said truthfully.

Rick nodded and they opened the door. He stood right in front of them an turned slowly. The man who had captured them, an probably had thought of killing them too.

"NYPD, hands behind your head!" Kate said and pointed her gun towards the man.

He smiled but did as he was told. Kate was surprised that it was so easy and so was Rick. Until he saw the little black sticking out the hood on Paublo. He saw Paublo take a grip on it and Rick got panic. He threw himself at Kate just in time to knock her over when Paublo fired the gun. He felt a sting in his arm and moaned in pain. He was on too of Kate so she saw his pained face and her heart quickened. She looked at Paublo who now stood above them, pointing the gun towards them.

"NYPD, drop the gun!" Espo's voice yelled.

Espo and Ryan came and when they felt sure enough they took the gun out of a disappointed Paublo's hand. Rick rolled of Kate and she threw herself at him, checking his body, searching for what had caused the pain. And that's when she saw it. The blood.


Sorry again for the short chapter but it had to stop there. Hope you like it, please leave a comment!