
Chapter 41

Chapter 41

"You got anything?" Espo asked Kate and Rick when they got out from the interrogation.

"Not really, he didn't knew why the bodies were there, only that he knew it was his boss' fault they were. Please tell you were luckier" Kate said with a sigh.

"Nope, same there. Guess Paublo was careful with who he left behind" Espo said and Ryan joined them.

"Rosita's parents are here" he announced to the group and Kate looked at Rick.

"Let's go try figure out what that family were doing in the forest" he said and she nodded.

They went to the room where Ryan had told them to wait. Rosita's mom looked devastated but her dad on the other hand didn't look that surprised. Yet he sat down in the sofa trying to comfort his wife.

"Hi, mr and mrs Tyler, I'm detective Beckett and this is Rick Castle, he's a consult who works with us" Kate started and they both looked up.

"What happened? Where are they?" mrs Tyler sobbed.

"Honey, let her talk" mr Tyler said and Kate thought his calm was disturbing.

"I know this is hard but I need to ask you a few questions" Kate said and when they nodded she continued "we found your daughter and her family in a forest not that far away, do you know what she was doing there?" Kate asked.

"Last we heard from her they were going out for a camping trip, but I got the chills. I tried to get them to change their minds but they wanted to go so badly that I couldn't stop them" mr Tyler said and Kate's eyes widened.

"What made you think something would happen?" Rick asked sounding at least as surprised as Kate felt like.

Mrs Tyler looked at her husband with a death stare.

"I never trusted that boy she was married to" mr Tyler said with hatred in his voice.

"Yeah, well, you never liked any of her boyfriends before that either" mrs Tyler said accusing.

"They were no good for her!" mr Tyler said louder and stood up.

"At least we got a granddaughter!" mrs Tyler shouted and she raised to er feet too.

"And what do we have now?!" me Tyler yelled at her.

It went completely silent for a second before mrs Tyler started sobbing and sank down in the sofa. Mr Tyler looked like he regretted the last thing, he looked down at his wife and, even though he probably would deny it, his eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry for your lose" Kate said, trying to get back to the subject.

"Is Gabriella dead too?" mrs Tyler asked and looked up at Kate.

Kate tried not to look away but kept the eyecontact when she answered.

"Yes, sorry" she said and couldn't stand the gaze anymore so she looked away.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault" mrs Tyler said and her husband sat down to give her a hug.

"If you can think of anything that might help us, if you might know why they choose that forest just let us know ok?" Kate said and her and Rick went out of the room.

"Wow, that was tough" Rick said with a low voice.

"Yeah" Kate barely breathed.

"Yo! We've found Paublo!" Espo yelled from the desks.