
Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Back at the precinct the four of them split up in pairs and took one suspect each. Rick was with Kate, of course, and Espo with Ryan. They had to speak to the five men but could only talk to one at a time so they could get the truth and not let the suspect work up together.

"Okay, Mr. Devenport, we wanna know what's going on in that forest and were Paublo is so I suggest you tell us and I might put in a good word for you" Kate said with her interrogation voice.

The suspect sat on the other side of the table and looked really bored. Like he didn't care about anything at all.

"Now, why would I tell you that?" he said with an accent.

"Because you're going into prison and the only way to get lesser time is to cooperate" Kate said and the man looked thoughtful.

"You know, we could always fix so he ends up with those rapists and killers in prison? Wouldn't that be perfect?" Rick said completely serious.

Kate knew he was trying to play the guy so she jumped in.

"Yeah, that would be perfect, in that case he won't do anything stupid after all those years and years of experience and end up in prison again, or maybe he won't be ABLE to do anything" Kate said with a big smile on her lips.

"Yeah, that sounds absolutely right!" Rick said and smiled wider.

"Ok, ok! I'll tell you something but you have to promise I won't get near, at all, Paublo!" the guy said frightened.

"Deal" Kate said and leaned forward to hear his story.


I'm so sorry for the really short chapter!! I just needed to update it and I felt like this chapter couldn't get any longer. I've already written next chapter but I won't publish it yet, though!

Please leave a comment about what you think of my whole story! Is it good? Do you like it? How much longer would you like it to be? :) thank you, love you all[3