
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

When Rick drove the car onto a small road Kate knew the wait was finally over. She looked around, amazed by the greenness of the forest. The road split up in three smaller roads and Rick took the one to the left, slowing down to not risk hitting a tree on his way to their camping spot. About 300 meters in he slowed down and stopped the car.

"Here we are" he said and studied Kate's face while she looked around.

To his delight she looked excited. He wondered what was going on inside her head right now.

Kate looked at the green trees around them, thinking about their beauty. She couldn't place herself but since she was there with Rick she felt safe. She knew she had that stupid smile on her face and her tongue was half out like it used to be sometimes but she didn't care. When she turned to Rick she blushed. His eyes were on her and she could see the love he had in his beautiful blue eyes. The eyes she had drowned in ever since she met him. She had denied it a long time, but that time was over.

"It's wonderful" she said and the smile he gave her was full with happiness.

She leant forward and he met her in the middle. Their lips touching in a soft kiss.

"Better get going, we have a tent to build" Rick said once they'd pulled apart.

They got out of the car and started getting the tent parts out of it. Kate followed Rick some meters into the forest before a small meadow revealed itself. On the outside of the meadow there was a lake starting, and it was really beautiful. Rick put down the parts he had carried and started putting together their tent. Kate put her parts beside his and bent down to help him.

"Maybe you could go get our other stuff from the vehicle?" Rick asked and Kate agreed.

Putting together tents wasn't exactly her strongest ability. She kissed him on his cheek before walking back the same way they came. At first she was afraid she'd taking a wrong turn because it didn't take that long for them to go to the spot where Rick now sat and puzzled with the tent but then she found the car and let out a big sigh of relief. She took their three bags, they were big but thanks to the fact that two of them were light she could take them all three at once. She locked the car and headed to Rick. When she got there Rick was done with the tent and lied on the grass waiting for her. He had his eyes closed and she didn't he had heard her so she gently and quietly put down the bags before sneaking her way over to Rick. She bent down and sat on her knees. She thought of screaming to scare him but the way he looked she just couldn't be so mean. She leaned down and let her lips touch his.

Rick immediately recognized those sweet lips and kissed her back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down in the grass, making him being the one on top.