
Chapter 39

Chapter 39

"Beckett! Castle! Are you alright?" Espo shouted as he came running into the hospital room were Kate and Rick sat beside the bed where Jackson Hunt had been placed.

Ryan was right behind Espo when they entered the room and Kate knew thanks to the look on their faces that they recognized the man laying in the bed.

"Isn't that one of the guys we've traced?" Ryan asked confused.

"What are you two doing with him?" Espo continued his partner's question.

"Wasn't he one of the murder suspects? Why aren't he in cuffs?" Ryan continued.

"Schhhh" Kate said and looked around to see if there was any nurses or if it was clear.

When she has scanned the rook she looked at Rick and he made the decision quickly before Espo or Ryan would do anything stupid.

"Espo, Ryan, meet my father" he said and the jaws of Ryan and Espo was dropped down to the ground.

"Wait... you said what now?" Ryan asked.

"You heard him, you know how we thought he was involved in Alexis disappearance?" Kate asked and the two detective nodded patiently.

"He was the one who helped me get her out of there alive" Rick said and hoped his friends would accept his father at least enough so they wouldn't arrest him or anything.

They all turned when Jackson made a sound. It was a sound full of pain but when they looked at him he had hid it well. It looked like he didn't feel anything at all.

"Wha-what happened?" he asked and his eyes grew big when he figured out were he was.

"Do you remember what happened?" Kate asked.

She was surprised by how soft her voice sounded but tried not to show her feeling.

"The cabin, an explosion... a bomb?" he asked an his voice was crispy.

Kate nodded and so did Rick.

"Oh, hi, detective Esposito and detective Ryan" Jackson said once he noticed the two detectives stand by the door.

They looked very surprised and confused that he knew their names. Kate could see in Espo's eyes that he didn't really like it but before he could say anything she started on another subject.

"It seems like Paublo knew we were coming, do you know anything that can help us? Cause you're not leaving until you're completely healed" she said when Jackson was about to argue.

"You're not going anywhere, and I won't pull out a bullet from you again so I won't let you leave here and risk us ending up doing that over again" Rick said and a chill went through his back when he thought about picking out that bullet.

Espo and Ryan looked and him with wide eyes but he just waved them off.

"Paublo probably was nearby when we were there, because if I know him right he would love to see when that bomb went of. But I'm not sure how to track him since I'm not out there looking after some evidence leading us to him" Jackson seemed annoyed that he had been told to stay in the hospital.

The doctor came into the room. He checked on Jackson and while he did that Kate and Rick went to Espo and Ryan to talk a little more private.

"What did you guys find out down with Lanie?" Kate asked them.

They talked with low voices so neither the doc nor Jackson could hear them.

"Well, the eldest of the bodies that you found at the forest died for about three years ago, so whatever happened down there it started at that time. And the three newest was a month ago. Lanie ran the finger print of the three people and one of them was in the system. A male named Kevin Lanchester, he had a wife named Rosita and a kid, Gabriella. They were all reported missing a few weeks back when the neighbors got worried why they hadn't seen them in a while. Lanie are checking the dentist journals right now to find out if the other two victims are Rosita and Gabriella" Espo said.

"Yeah, and we've contacted Rosita's parents to see what they know" Ryan said.

"What about Kevin Lanchester's parents?" Kate asked.

"They died in a car accident when he was twelve" Ryan answered.

"Talk about an unlucky generation" Rick said and when he saw the look on Kate's face he made the locking-mouth-with-key gesture.

"Any recognition on the eldest body?" Kate asked.

"Nope, she couldn't get a fingerprint and the teeth are too damaged to get anything from them. She would try testing for DNA when we heard about the explosion and rushed down here" Espo said.

The doctor cleared his throat.

"Everything look fine, I will keep him here though cause he still needs to be under surveillance since he has burn damage in his face" he said and Kate nodded.

"Thank you, doctor" she said and the doctor went out.

They went to the bed were Jackson lay and they tried to figure out what to do next.

"Wait a minute, we should interrogate the men we arrested in the forest!" Kate exclaimed.

'Why didn't I think of that before?' she thought, irritated by herself.

She had had so much on her mind that she had totally forgot those men.

"We should get to it right away" Espo said and the four started to walk towards the door.

"What about me?" Jackson asked and Kate turned around.

So did Rick.

"You stay here, we will come if we need you" Kate said.

"You should get some rest" Rick added.

Jackson mumbled something that sounded like "fine" and the three detectives and the writer went out the hospital and drove to the precinct.