
Chapter 38

Chapter 38

The cabin looked old and the lights were out. That's at least what they could see from the car. Kate tried to figure out a plan in her mind, and she also thought about calling in Ryan and Espo to get them here in case they would need them. But then on the other hand, they didn't knew who Jackson was, in fact they thought the mysterious man was a murderer or stalker since he had been seen in Alexis' disappearance and in another murder. She also thought Rick didn't really want them to know cause he was nearly not telling her when she first met him. In fact she had met with his father and Rick had known about it but he hadn't said a word, mostly cause his father hadn't wanted him to.

"How about I get in there first? And signal to you when it's clear?" Jackson tried but Kate shook her head. "Okay, but I will be the one who's going in the door first, you can't stop me there, even if you're a cop."

Kate narrowed her eyes but knew she wouldn't get a better offer so she nodded.

"What if he's not in there?" Rick asked "Maybe he's out watching this house, waiting for someone of us to make the wrong move and find his house?"

"But if we don't go we will never know" Kate said and she opened the car door and stepped out.

The other two followed her example and Jackson almost imidiately walked past he to make sure he was in front of her. Rick's hand was on her back, telling her he was there and had her back in case something would happen. The moment they stepped inside the garden, weapons drawn, Kate heard a little click and when she recognized what the sound meant it was to late. She felt Rick grab her jacket and pull her back. He pushed her down on the ground,landing on top of her, protecting her. The explosion was big and it started in the house but it never touched neither Rick or Kate. Kate's heart quickened because she didn't knew if Rick was okay or not. Her hands travelled fast from her sides to his face and searched it. He had his eyes closed and she was just about to start panic when he opened them. He looked down at her and she felt him sigh from relief against her body.

"You're okay?" it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah, you?" Kate asked and once again she stroke his face with her small gentle fingers.

"Yeah, maybe we should" Rick started to get up.

"Yes, exactly" Kate said and took the hand Rick reached out for her to take and helped her up.

"Jackson!" Kate shouted and Rick turned around to see his father lay on the ground with a burned face.

Rick fell down on his knees beside his father and checked the pulse.

"He's alive!" Rick stated and Kate could hear the limp in his throat.

"This is detective Kate Beckett, badge number 41319, I need and ambulance and a police car to canal street 13 in New York" Kate said into her phone.

She knew Jackson wouldn't really like being brought to the hospital but there was nothing else she could do to help him, and she felt the duty to at least try. She might not trust him, but he was still a part of her family.