
Chapter 37

Chapter 37

"He's hiding in his great-grandfather's old cabin" Jackson said and on the computer was a picture of the cabin.

"So, let's go catch this son of a bitch" Rick said and he took Kate's hand.

Jackson stood up, he walke over to the wall which he turned and took out a gun. He offered one for Kate but she just shook her head and tapped on the one she had beside her badge at her hips. Kate and Rick turned towards the way they had gotten inside the building but before they could go anywhere Jackson cleared his throat, and when they turned to him he pointed to the opposite direction.

"We will need a car to get to the cabin" he said and Kate and Rick looked at each other.

They got to something that reminded of a garage and inside was a black SUV. Kate was about to ask why Jackson had one of those but he shrugged before she could say anything.

"Before we go, can I have a moment alone with Kate?" Rick asked and Jackson nodded before jumping into the van.

Rick and Kate got to the side and Kate looked at Rick with confusion. She had no idea what he wanted to talk about, and that got her a little worried.

"Kate, are you sure we should do this? I-I don't want anything bad to happen to you, what if we get captured again? Or maybe something worse..." Rick said and Kate looked at him with something he only could describe as love.

"You know what? I promise I will not get us into more trouble than we already have been in, at least not in this case" she gave him a wink and he smiled. "But I will not let your dad do this by himself, not only because I don't trust him completely but because I'm a cop, and I can't just walk away."

"Yeah, I know. That's one of the things that made me fall in love with you" Rick said and Kate let a small giggle slip her lips.

Rick took her hand and squished it a little. They went to the car, hand in hand and jumped into the back seat. At first it was very quiet when Jackson drove towards the cabin. But the question Jackson broke the silence with caught Kate of guard.

"So, when are you two getting married?"

Kate's eyes grew big and she looked at Rick who looked at her with a shocked expression.

"Umm... we haven't... set... a date... yet" Kate answered and saw the gaze Jackson gave them from the rear mirror.

"Well, don't forget to tell me" he said and she could see a smile in his eyes.

The smile didn't reach his lips though, but Kate could see that was because he had this mask he didn't want to drop. She could feel the glance Rick gave her before he answered his dad.


There was an awkward silence and Jackson had turned back to the road. Kate and Rick didn't really know what to say or to think.

"We're here" Jackson said and pulled the car aside and killed the engine.