
Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Rick and Kate had followed Jackson Hunt into an abandoned building which looked like it would collapse any second. But when they came inside it was a lot more cozier than the ruin it looked like from the outside.

"So, this is where you stay?" Rick asked and touched a lamp.

He thought he was going to dust it off but when he touched it the wall flipped and revealed a lot of guns, in all sizes.

"I will expect you have license for those" Kate said and Rick touched the lamp again to flip the wall back.

"Of course" Jackson said with a smile and sat down at a desk and started typing on the computer infront of him.

Even though she tried Kate had a hard time trusting Jackson, she didn't feel quite safe with him around. She went to Rick and stopped when she was a little behind, but still beside, him. He turned his head to her and their eyes met for a second before she went back to study Jackson. But that second was enough for Rick, he had seen the insecure she had had in her eyes. He knew she didn't trust his dad. Hell, neither did he. But he knew that, no matter what, his dad was good at what he did. And hiding was one thing, it had been hard to get a hold of him when he got the idea. After some calling around he had gotten the call he had been after. Rick looked down at Kate's left hand and reached for it. When she felt the familiar touch she intertwined their fingers. Rick could see a little smile on her lips and he made small circles with his thumb on her hand, reminding of the time he had done that to her from before they got together. That time he had demonstrated what the dog, they were looking after, liked. It had become awkward, and now when he look back it he remembered Kate blushing. Could it be that she had blushed and pulled away cause she liked him? Maybe she hadn't wanted him to stop, maybe that would have been a good time to kiss her? But that didn't really matter anymore, they were together now, even engaged!

Kate glanced quickly at Rick and back to Jackson, but since she saw his gaze she looked up at Rick again and she could see he was deep in his thoughts. She could see that the thoughts were about her, cause of the ways he looked at her. She blushed, and then blushed deeper BECAUSE she blushed. Yet she couldn't take her eyes from him. She started thinking when she first had noticed the deep in his eyes. It had been when he had followed her to LA and looked for Royce's killer with her. On one of their evenings there he had told her he was amazed by the strength of her heart and when he had said that he had looked deeply in her eyes. She had, truthfully, said that he wasn't so bad himself, and then their eyes had been locked. They had stared into each other's eyes and that was the first time she had almost given in and kissed him. Before she had, though, she escaped to her bedroom. She had lent against the door and thought about going back to Rick in the room behind her. But when she had finally decided to go back and see what it could lead to, Rick had gone to his bedroom. She had often looked back at that moment and thought "what if I had gone back? Would we have had a relationship like we do now? Or would it had broken right after?". She sometimes wished she could go back to that moment and kiss him, but since they were together now, that didn't really matter anymore. She loved him and he loved her, and they were engaged to each other.

"Found him!" Jackson brought both of them back to the now and they went to him to find out what he found.