
Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Kate and Rick got the the bridge Rick's contact had directed them to. Rick wouldn't let Kate go first, she tried to but he just speeded up and hold out a hand to keep her behind him.

"Castle, I'm the cop" she said annoyed.

"Kate, please. I put you in danger by going out camping, don't make me do the same kind of mistake this time" he said and she could hear his regret in his voice.

"Hey" she stepped in front of him and put her hand on his chest, facing him.

He stopped and at first he didn't look her in the eyes, but she waited until he did.

"This is NOT your fault, okay? You couldn't have known that, plus I wanted to go out camping too. So don't blame yourself. I love you, Rick" she said and his blue beautiful eyes went soft and she drowned in them.

"I love you too, Kate. That's why I don't want anything to happen to you" he said and bent down to kiss her lips.

The kiss was passionate and deep but were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Hello again, Rick. Kate" Kate froze.

When she turned she saw Rick's father stand in front of them.

"You contacted your father" Kate turned to Rick.

He shrugged.

"He's a spy, or was, anyway I thought he could help" Rick said and Kate didn't know what to think.

"Let's cut to the case, show me the picture you talked about" Jackson Hunt said.

Rick ignored the look Kate had on her face and took out his phone to show his father the picture of Pablo.

"That's Pablo, I used to work with him before we both got fired" Jackson Hunt said.

"So he IS a spy?" Rick asked and looked at Kate with a satisfied smirk.

"No, former" Jackson said and Rick's smirk went wider.

"Okay, so do you know how to find him?" Kate asked, she didn't want to admit that he was right.

"I might, but he's dangerous, so you two should probably not go near him" Jackson said and Kate spotted concern in his eyes.

"I'm afraid we have no option, even if we wanted to we have to catch him" Kate said and Rick filled in.

"Plus he hurt Kate, I need him to be punished."

Kate looked at Rick and saw the anger he held against Pablo.

"Okay, then we have to do it like this, I hunt him down and deliver him to you" Jackson said and Kate shook her head.

"We have to do it the proper way" she said but that was when Jackson shook his head.

"I can't let you two do it alone..." Jackson began.

"Then come with us" Rick said out of nowhere and Kate looked at him.

She thought about it and when she looked at Jackson it was clear he didn't want them getting hurt.

"Fine, but I don't want you two going of to him by yourselves" Jackson said and started to walk away.

Rick and Kate got eye contact with suspicious facial expressions.

"Are you coming or what?" Jackson said and the two started follow the former spy.