
Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Rick had been on the phone for quite long and Kate started to get worried his "guy" could be a dangerous one. One time he had a contact in one of the big gangs and insisted on talking with him. If it this time was a spy, then who knows what he could do to him? Kate tried to focus on the work but had a hard time trying to calm herself down.

"Should we check it out? Hey, Beckett!" Ryan said and Kate snapped out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, what now?" she asked and tried to look neutral.

But by the looks she got from Ryan and Espo she guessed she didn't manage to fool any of them.

"Lanie found something, we can go check it out, you and Castle can go play with a spy" Espo said and she nodded gratefully but didn't quite appreciate the joke he put in the tone.

Espo and Ryan left the room but before they did that Ryan kissed Jenny on her lips and kissed little Sarah Grace on her cute forehead. They had taken them back to the precinct so that they could keep them safe, that's what Rick had suggested his family should do too, just in case.

"Katherine" a familiar voice said and Kate span around to see Martha come out the elevator with Alexis and Pi as her tail.

"Thank god you made it, maybe I should call dad too" Kate suddenly thought loud.

"That wouldn't be such a bad idea since they have your phone and can send false messages to lure him out" Martha nodded.

Kate picked up her desk-phone and dialed the number to her father's cellphone. He answered after the third beep.

"Jim Beckett" he said, she figured he hadn't checked the number before he answered.

"It's me" she said and she immediately heard the familiar 'father'-tone he got every time he talked with or about her.

"Katie! What's on your mind?" he asked and sounded happy.

"I think you should come to the precinct, I don't think you're in any danger but since I don't know and we have brought in almost everyone else you should come here too" Kate said and her father sounded confused.

"What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"I'll tell you everything later but right now you should come over, just in case" she said and he agreed.

"See you soon, Katie!" he said.

"Yeah, I love you, dad" she said and hung up.

When she ended the call Rick came out from the 'talk-to-family-members'-room and hugged his mother and daughter.

"You three can stay in the coffee room, and Jenny, you can go there too. At least you're all together in one room then" Rick said and they all agreed and went to the coffee room.

"Soooo, what did your 'guy' say?" Kate asked teasingly but yet serious.

"He said that if we want the information we need, we have to see him. But he had one condition, and there is two versions. Either I go alone, since he kinda know me, or I can only bring one person, and that is you" Rick said and when Kate looked him in the eyes she could see that he wanted her to be left out.

"I am NOT gonna let you go alone!" Kate said on the edge to fury.

Rick sighed.

"Fine, but I won't let anything happen to you, so don't say anything you shouldn't" he said and Kate gave him the look.

"The only one around here who doesn't know when to not say anything stupid is you" she said.

After two seconds of thinking he nodded.

"Point taken" he said and checked his phone.

"Okay, I got the address. Should we go?" he said and Kate nodded.

"Let's do this."