
Chapter 33

Chapter 33

"Thank god you're okay!" Gates exclaimed when Kate, Rick and the rest of the crew came out of the elevator in the precinct.

Without any warning Gates went around and hugged them all. Kate was surprised but tried not to show it too much. Rick at first thought that Gates would skip him since she didn't seem to like him very much so when she went to him and HUGGED him he got in chock. The hugs Gates had given only lasted a second and then she was back to her normal captain roll. Rick couldn't stop starting though. Kate saw his facial expression and tried hard not to laugh at him, but when Espo and Ryan both looked at him and then at her they all three curated out into laughter. Kate was afraid their captain would disapprove but when she glanced at her also she smiled with amusement.

"Okay, focus, we gotta catch this killer" Kate said when she finally could take control of herself again.

They went to the white board and started writing down everything they knew. The guys' victim's name was Dylan Odonell and for some reason they had found dirt from the forest under his shoes, which probably meant he either was another one of Pablo's innocent victims or he was a part of it.

"Since we know he had contact with Pablo Odonell probably worked with or for him" Ryan speculated.

Rick's phone called and Kate stiffened. 'What if Pablo had caught Alexis and Martha now?' But once she saw him relax when he answered she did too.

"What's on your mind?" Rick said into the phone.

"Are you okay? Are you two back? Did you catch the guy? Did..."

"Whoa! Relax! I can't answer everything at once. Yes, we are back and we are okay, all of us. What was the next question again?" Rick asked and when he glanced at Kate she smiled at him.

She didn't look at him though, but he knew that smile was for him. He could see it in her eyes, which were set on the white board.

"Did you catch the guy?" Alexis sighed.

"No" Rick answered short.

"Oh oh, was he already gone?" Alexis asked and the worry in her voice was overwhelming and Rick thought of something.

"Maybe you and mother should come to the precinct, in that case no one can harm you. You'll be more safe here than anywhere else. Bring Pi too, we don't want him to disappear either" Rick added.

"Good idea!" Kate mimicked to Rick and he made a thank-you-roll with his hand which made her smile.

"Okay" Alexis said and he could hear her call for Martha and Pi.

"Oh, and keep your eyes up! All of you" Rick added and they hung up.

"So, back to the case" Kate said and they all concentrated.

"Maybe he's a former spy?" when the three detectives looked at Rick he said "what? I mean, think about it! He's got a nasty scar on his eye, he have a lot of men under him, he probably knew we would come for him at the building because, for the first, he wasn't there, second, the men he left there didn't seem to have much skill in defending. He has a plan, and when he caught you two he checked our phones to get to someone we all love. And he got it done really fast... maybe he got a secret tunnel which is the fastest way to New York, cause we never met any car on our way back" Rick continued.

"That's..." Kate started.

"Believable?" Rick said and Kate shook her head.

"But maybe we should check it out" Ryan said and both Espo and Kate gave him a glare.

"Don't get his hopes up" Kate said but Rick could see the smile in her eyes.

She would tease him about this later.

"Yeah, that's not it" Espo agreed with Kate.

"Come on, some of my theories has actually turned out to be true" Rick said and Kate thought about it.

Rick waited patiently.

"Fine, but how do you suggest we check it out?" Kate asked with her eyebrows high.

"I know a guy" Rick said and Kate rolled her eyes.

"Of course you do" she said.