
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Rick and Kate hid behind a bush together. Ryan and Espo were on the other side of the building with the other half of the group. They had decided to burst into the building when the clock turned 14:35 and now it showed 14:30. Kate was impatient, she wanted to go in now to check if Lanie, Jenny and baby Sarah Grace was in there or not. She wanted them safe back in New York.

Rick had one of his hands on her shoulder to keep her from rushing right in before the time was up. The second the time turned to 14:35 Rick lifted his hand and let go of Kate. They both stormed against the door, Kate kicked it down with the speed she got and they all yelled "NYPD". They went through the corridors and got a hold of a couple of men. They couldn't find Christian Pablo anywhere.

"Have you seen any of them?" Ryan asked anxious, referring to his wife, daughter and Lanie.

"No, haven't you?" Kate asked and looke around the small corridor they were in.

The other officers had taken out the men they had arrested. About four or five men.

"Schhh!" Rick said and they all shut up. From a long distance you could hear someone calling out for help.

"Let's go!" Kate said and they quickly followed the call for help.

When they got closer they could hear who the voice belonged to, Lanie.

"Hey! Are you there?! Javi?! Kate?! Ryan?!" Lanie's voice came closer and closer for each step the crew took.

"We're right here!" Ryan called.

They got to the door and without hesitation Ryan kicked it in. When they got inside they found Lanie, Jenny and Sarah Grace stand in front of them.

"Oh, Jenny! Thank god!" Ryan said with relief and ran to his family to hug them.

He kissed Jenny long and Espo walked over to Lanie. Without any hesitation or warning he took her in his arms and kissed her. Kate smiled big and took Rick's hand.

"Finally" she said under her breath and took a last glance at the two couples in front of her before gazing into Rick's eyes.

He looked down at her and had a silly smile on his lips, just like her. She drowned in his gorgeous blue eyes before looking down at his lips. When Rick saw her eyes get drawned to his lips he immediately bent down and kissed hers. The spark between them lighted up into a fire. The kiss went deep and they started breath heavily. It wasn't until the leader of the group outside cleared his throat they all aparted.

"What's this? A kissing party? We still haven't found Christian Pablo" he said irritated and went out of the room.

The crew looked at each other and then, without a word, they left the room and went out of the building. They had to find Christan Pablo.