
Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Lanie and Jenny's POV (point if view)

Lanie sat in the couch close to Jenny, none of them doubted that they would be here much longer but they still felt the fear in their bodies. They had only met the scared man once but his face was imprinted in their minds. He looked scary and they didn't really know if he would do anything to them or not. Maybe he just used them as hostages so he could flee the country or something like that, but his attentions could be a lot worse too.

"Schhhhh... daddy's gonna find us, schhhh..." Jenny tried to calm Sarah Grace down.

There was something special about babies, cause they could somehow feel it when they were in danger. Lanie had seen it before, not when she was in the job cause the only baby she had seen while working was the baby Castle had named Cosmo. The thought made her smile, despite the situation. She had a pretty good feeling that if Kate's gonna be pregnant and the baby would turn out to be a boy, Castle would do anything g in his power to convince her to name him Cosmo.

"Please, tell me the joke you're thinking about cause I really need something else to think about" Jenny asked Lanie with a voice full with fear and worry.

"I was just thinking about Castle and Beckett. Don't you think he's gonna have her name their child Cosmo?" Lanie asked.

"Kate's knocked up?!" Jenny almost shouted of surprise.

"No, no no no no, it's just" Lanie told Jenny about little Cosmo, or Benny which his real name had been.

"Oh, I wonder when they will though" Jenny said and the look on her face told Lanie she was on another place.

Sarah Grace started crying again and Lanie asked if she could hold her, in case it might be Lanie the baby girl was not trusting. Jenny smiled and said it was not but sure. She handed Sarah Grace to Lanie who immediately started trying to make the little one get into a better mood.

"You know Kate better than I do, do you think she'll want kids?" Jenny suddenly asked.

The question took Lanie by surprise but she thought about it before she answered.

"I... I think she will, I mean, she's never been the kind of person who wants to cuddle every time she sees a baby but... I'm pretty sure she wants to when she's ready" Lanie said and handed over the now somewhat calm Sarah Grace to Jenny.

Jenny took Sarah Grace in her arms and kissed the little cute baby's forehead.

"What if they won't..." Jenny started.

"Stop it right there, they will" Lanie interrupted.

Jenny nodded and they sat there, waiting.