
Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Kate had explained their situation for Gates in 5 minutes which made Gates a little confused, at least that's how Kate thought it sounded like through the phone.

"What do you need me to do?" Gates asked and Kate could hear she was on her way to Ellis, who were good at computers.

"I need you to find out who have been in contact with Fabian Wickerman in the last few days, hopefully we can find the man with the scar" Kate said and she heard Gates repeat her request to Ellis.

Kate put on the speaker so her co-workers would get to hear the result. So did Gates so that Ellis could say it directly to them.

"Here's one number that is repeatedly coming up. Let's see who it belongs to" Ellis said and they could all hear the sound from her pushing on the keys.

They all waited and started to loose patient since they wanted to find their friends as soon as possible. Ryan was a mess, he tried to hide it but Kate could see through his little act. She knew that so did Espo and Rick but none of them wanted to say anything since the best they all could do was doing their work to find out where their friends were held at.

"There! Christian Paublo" Ellis said and Kate heard a beep from her phone. "I'm sending you a photo."

Kate clicked up the photo and the face that looked back at her have her shivers.

"It's him" Rick said and put a hand on Kate's back.

"Does he have any buildings in his name?" Kate asked and they all heard a few more clicks before Ellis answered.

"Just one, and it says here it's only a few miles from you guys, I'll send you the address and map" Ellis said and they heard a new beep from the phone Kate hold on to.

"Okay, thanks!" Kate said.

"Call if when you get more information, an Kate?" Gates said.


"Take those sons of bitches down before they hurt anyone else" Gates said.

"On it, sir" Kate said and ended the call.

She took up the map on the phone and pointed north.

"Let's go" she said and they all went out of the building and hooked up with the other half of the group.

They all went with a high speed, mostly cause Kate, Rick, Espo and Ryan couldn't go any slower.