
Chapter 2

Chapter 2Rick got in the car and started the engine. He hadn't told Kate much more than the fact that they were going camping. He did notice the nervosity Kate was feeling but didn't let that stop him from keeping it a secret, plus he knew she wouldn't know where the forest was either way."Rick, can't you just tell me where we're going?" Kate pleaded after one hour driving.It was driving her crazy not knowing anything about what Rick had planned for the weekend. Why couldn't he just tell her?"Not a chance, besides, you haven't been there as far as I know" he said with a smirk on his lips.She thought about ways to get him to tell her while he thought of ways to keep the secret for himself. "Pleeeeaaaase?" Kate pouted her lips and hoped it would work cause she couldn't think of anything else."Nope" Rick smiled and looked at his curious fiancè sitting right next to him.Kate sighed loudly, disappointed."At least tell me how much longer we have to sit in this car" she said looking out the window.When he didn't answer she looked at him. He thought about it for a minute before he answered her."About one more hour" he finally said.Kate tried to figure out where that would put them but couldn't remember the map. Plus he was right, she had never been camping in the forest, at least not on this side of the city. Kate checked her cellphone and saw a missed text. It was from Ryan and Espo wishing them a great camping trip, and telling them not to get fall into another big foot trap. 'When I get back on Monday, I will slap them both' Kate thought for herself.Rick was both concentrated on the road and concerned about what Kate would think about this trip. He really wanted her to like it cause he himself enjoyed camping in the woods and he didn't want her to dislike it when she was going to be his wife. 'My wife!' he thought with a fluttery feeling in the stomach. Three years ago he would never had thought Kate would agree to be his. He had always been fascinated by her and maybe the fact that she turned him down was the reason he had stayed and fallen so deeply in love with her. If she ever asked, though, he would never confess that he had been attracted to her since the day she brought him to the police station after the murders assembling to his Derrick Storm books.The ride was quiet, but not that awkward got-nothing-to-talk-about quiet.