
Chapter 29

Chapter 29

"I swear to god, if you hurt them" Kate said into the phone and the man laughed.

"You'd do what?" he laughed.

"You don't want to know" Kate threatened and the men around her looked at her with fear in their eyes.

They knew. They knew how bad it could be to mess with her.

"Okay, then. How about you leave our building? And our forest? And never come back? How does that sound?" the man asked.

"Listen, you piece of shit. You will either turn yourself in or I will personally hunt you down" Kate continued.

Kate was pissed. And afraid. She didn't want to put her friends in any more danger but she felt like her biggest chance of getting him to get them back himself was to make threats.

"I'll take that as a no, too bad" the man said and hung up.

Kate just stood there. She couldn't move. Ryan tried to talk to her, so did Espo but she didn't really hear anything until Rick opened his mouth.

"Kate, honey, who does he have?" Kate started to shake and she felt her eyes fill with tears.

Rick took her in his arms and made small circles on her back.

"Jenny, Lanie and Sarah Grace" Kate whispered and her voice broke for each name.

She heard both Ryan and Espo gasp. She buried her face in Rick's chest, she didn't want to look on her two police partners. Rick continued comforting her a few seconds before she took a deep breath and got out of his arms.

"Okay, so what do we really know about this place?" Kate asked with her cop voice.

She was back, and she wouldn't give up until that man was behind bars and her friends were back home safely.

"We know here's a grave with a lot of bodies, but we don't know if they were te target or just people who got too close something the men were trying to hide" Rick thought out loud.

"Wait, here's a what now?" Ryan asked with wide eyes.

"A grave, we found it when we were out hiking the first day. After that we got captured like you guys and managed to escape. How did you get here?" Kate asked, cause they still hadn't told them.

"We got here because of our case, the man who was killed had some dirt under his shoes and when we tested it, it led us to this forest. And when we got here... yeah, you know he rest" Espo said.

"Then maybe that man was a part of the gang, what was his name?" Kate said.

"And did he have a record?" Rick continued.

"His name was Fabian Wickerman, and yes, he did" Espo started and looked at Ryan who took a quick breath.

"He had been arrested for abusing of women two times and as a teenager he was a shoplifter" Ryan ended the statement.

"Okay, let's call Gates and see if she can find out more about his friends" Kate said and turned to one of the officers who immediately took his phone from his pocket and have it to her.