
Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Kate had decided to split the group in half, 10 went with her and 10 with the leader. She thought it would have been better if Rick was with the other group since he, too, knew where to find the house but she wasn't willing to let him out of her sight so he walked with her. She had seen in his eyes that he had thought and felt the same. They were now at the north side of the house and they all waited for the other group to get into position. Once one of the policemen got a text he showed it to Kate and she nodded. She made a sign with her fingers and they all started to move to the building. Kate kicked up the door and shouted "NYPD". They walked along the corridor and split up as soon as they came to a part were the corridor split into two new corridors, every time that happened she sent two officers that way and the rest followed her. Rick was right behind her, he was supposed to be on the back of the group but he couldn't let her go first all alone. Not that she was it was just, he couldn't stand the thought of that being near her.

"Yo, Beckett?! Is that you?!" Espo's voice came from a close door.

Kate quickly moved to that door and kicked it open to find Espo and Ryan tied up to one chair each. Rick and Kate scanned the room before running to them and helping them out of the ropes.

"Thanks guys! How did you find us?" Ryan asked and Kate looked at him with her eyes widened.

"What?" Espo asked and Kate got insecure.

Weren't the reason they were here because of her and Rick? And how could they had been captured if they weren't in the forest in the first place?

"Thanks, and you didn't answer my question?" Ryan said when he stood up and got a gun from one of the officers and so did Espo.

"So, you didn't come here to get us home?" Rick asked, also he surprised by the thought that they wasn't here for them.

"No, wait... you've been here?"Espo asked and they started moving back to the corridor.

"Yes, it was this forest we were supposed to camp in" Rick said, and the two detectives looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, you didn't know that?" Kate asked.

"No, how could we? Every time Castle was about to tell us you came in and interrupted and he was determined to not let you know" Espo said with a look that accused Rick who just smirked and shook his should.

"But, why were you captured?" Kate asked, she wa really confused now and didn't understand anything.

"We don't know, we both got hit in the back of our heads and woke up here" Ryan said.

"We should continue this later" Rick said and they all agreed.

They went along in the corridor and all turned when they suddenly heard a phone ring. They kicked down the door were the sound came from and scanned the room.

"Clear!" Espo said.

Kate took the phone and put it to her ear.

"Ahhh, detective! I guess you've found your friends? Maybe you should think twice when you bring a group of officers to arrest me and my men. You know, everything comes with a prize" a man's voice said and he recognized it as the man with the scar.

In the background she suddenly heard a baby scream and chills rolled down her veins.

"I checked the numbers on your friends phones and compare it to yours, I guess you know were I'm getting at? Say hello" the man said and she could hear the phone leave his ear.

"Kate? Don't worry, we're fine!" Kate could hear Lanie's voice and if she weren't completely wrong she heard Jenny whisper sweet words to the baby crying.

Kate froze. Her heart was ice cold. She looked at Ryan and on Espo. Then she seeked comfort from Rick's eyes. Can't this nightmare stop?