
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"What do you know about the killers?" the leader of the group asked Rick and Kate.

"Not much really, we've seen a whole lot of men, and met the one who seems to be the leader of the league" Kate said and when she looked at Rick to see if he had anything to add he shook his shoulders. "You have no theory? At all?" she asked shocked.

"Well, I have one theory, and that is that the leader has been into some gang stuff before and maybe even been into the military. The people he had in that grave I don't have any theory about though cause it looked like all sort if people, maybe it was people who camped at the wrong place at the wrong time, like us" Rick said in deep thought.

"And maybe they stumbled over something else but the grave..." Kate started.

"Which was important to keep a secret..." Rick continued.

"And when people later found the grave..." Kate speculated.

"The group couldn't do anything else than kill them" Rick ended.

"Excuse me but, I'm confused" the man who had asked the questions said.

This time Rick let Kate say it again, since the thing that had confused the man was when they had speculated the situation together.

"Now we only need to figure out what they wanna protect" Rick said when Kate was done.

"It must be worth killing for" Kate figured.

"But we have seen people kill for very little so that doesn't help" Rick said and when Kated gave him a glare he smirked.

The car slowed down and Rick told the guy who drove to take the one road to the right. Because that's where the killers layer was. When they couldn't drive anymore they shut of the car and jumped out with guns up. Rick and Kate got one vest each and Kate got a gun, she asked for an extra and when she got one she waited till the leader of the group turned.

"Here" she said and handed it to Rick.

"But I'm not suppo..." Kate cut him off.

"I don't want anything to happen to you, besides, I want you to have my back in case something happens" she said and kissed his lips.

The leader of the group cleared his throat.

"Okay, so which way?" he asked and Kate turned to face the 20 men who waited for her to give them orders.


Sorry for the really short chapter! I couldn't make it any longer cause I wanted it to end like that so... but hope you'll like it anyway! Feel free to comment what you think of my fanfic! xoxo