
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Rick got the car out of the forest and started driving faster. The men were long gone, they couldn't keep up cause all they could do was run and that didn't help them much.

"Everyone okay?" Rick asked and got answers from everyone.

"Now, tell us all that happened" Martha demanded from the back seat.

"We came across something we shouldn't" Kate started and looked at Rick beside her.

He nodded and she continued.

"A big grave with a massive amount of bodies" all three in the back seat gasped and looked back to the forest they had just escaped. "We couldn't get any signal with our phones and the people who's behind it destroyed our car while we were on our hike."

"Maybe you should call the precinct before the men can manage to escape" Rick said and Kate nodded.

Alexis understood what they meant and gave her Kate her cellphone. Kate dialed the number to the precinct and hoped they were there to answer.

"Gates" the captain answered and at first Kate was confused she had answered in Espo's phone but ignored it.

"Sir, we have an emergency" Kate said and Gates immediately recognized Kate's voice.

"Beckett? What happened? Where..?" Kate caught her off.

"The forest me and Rick was at camping this weekend have a lot of dead bodies in it. I need you to gather a group so we can go get the killers before they escape. Where's Ryan and Esposito?" Kate asked.

"They're out on a murder scene but I will call them back the second we hang up" Gates said and her voice had a little worry in it. "Are you okay? And how about your family? They said they were going after you since I called them to see if they knew where you two were yesterday."

"We're fine, all of us, it was about time someone got out here" Kate tried to make a joke out of it but Gates didn't laugh, at all.

"Well, hurry back so we can take those sons of bitches down before they make a run for it" Gates said and they hung up.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Rick asked and glanced from the road to Kate and back again.

"She's gonna call in Ryan and Espo and once we get to the precinct we will have a group and go search for the men" Kate said and when she met Rick's eyes he looked at her with a mix of feelings.

She couldn't really sort them out, which bothered her.

Rick didn't want Kate to go back in that forest. He didn't want her near those men ever again. He knew he couldn't stop her, though. The only thing that could possibly stop her was to put her in a room and lock it but that's illegal, plus it would make him the bad guy. One time before he had almost been able to make her stop looking for her mother's killer, but that plan went to hell when they tried to kill her... again. At least he would be with her, he wouldn't let anything happen to her, not ever. He would be there always.

Kate's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Beckett" she said and her eyes widened.

"What?" Rick asked worried.

"Ryan and Espo, she can't find them" Kate said and everyone in the car gasped for air.