
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"Rick! Are you okay?" Kate asked and looked down at her fiancé with worried eyes.

Rick shook his head and looked around him, he was in the treehouse. He was confused but soon realised what had happened.

"A nightmare... it must have been a nightmare!" he exclaimed with joy and sat up to take Kate in his arms. "I love you, Kate. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"About what?" Kate asked shocked by his behaviour.

He pulled away and kissed her lips passionately. She didn't understand but kissed him back, enchanted by his kiss. She was truly infatuated with him, she couldn't resist his kisses, or touches. If he knew that he could win all the fights they had by kissing her, but to her benefit he didn't. She did knew he felt the same way, though, and loved to tease him about it. Even with that first kiss they had shared she had been enchanted. That one when he had kissed her to keep them from being suspected to work for the cops. The kiss lasted long before he pulled away again. He looked her in her hazel eyes and Kate was blushing because of all the love she could see through his eyes. Rick watched as his beautiful love's cheek went from pale, from the fear, to a light red and then even redder. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Kate looked down before looking up again and started talking.

"What happened? You were screaming in your sleep" she asked, still frightened but not that much anymore.

"I... I had a bad dream, and you..." his voice died and he got tears in his eyes.

Kate misunderstood.

"I will never leave you, if that's what you dreamed about" she said and he shook his head.

"Worse..." he made a pause, "you hated me, because I put you here..." silence, "and the man... he was hurting you... real bad..." his voice died and drowned in his tears.

Kate looked at him with wide open eyes and then she leaned her forehead against his.

"I would never hate you, I love you too much... besides, it's not your fault" she said and kissed his lips.

His lips were soft and were shaking, she could also taste the salt from his tears. She kissed him long and determined, to show him that she would never let him go. They pulled away because of the need to catch their breath. They let their foreheads touch and both had their eyes closed. He had his hand on the back of her neck and she had one of her hands on his shoulder.

"Why would this happen to us?" Rick whispered his thought out loud.

"Maybe because we're good at finding trouble" Kate said and giggled nervously.

"Heh, yeah" Rick said and they looked at each other.

They both got up on their feet and while Kate went to the bed to sit Rick went to the fridge and took out a bag of peanuts. He threw it to Kate who immediately catched it. Rick went to one of the windows and looked out. He couldn't see anyone else out there. He felt Kate come up behind him and she put her arms around him while chewing on a peanut. She put one in his mouth and rested her head against his shoulder. Kate didn't want Rick to have a nightmare like that again. It had freaked her out waking up to his scream, she had been terrified someone had found them and when she saw him crying and screaming on the ground she thought he had gotten shot or something. But when she had searched his body she hadn't found any blood and then she had looked at his face and understood he was dreaming. She had said something like "Rick, please, wake up", that had only made him cry even more. It had nearly broken her heart seeing him like that. She felt Rick's body stiffen and when she followed his eyes she saw something red far away in the forest.

"Alexis" they both said at the same time before running to the door.