
Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"No! Don't hurt her!" Rick shouted.

He couldn't move, it didn't matter how hard he tried. He was tied up around a chair, hands, feet and body, all tied up. The man in front of him laughed and looked down at him.

"And why shouldn't I?" he said with a dark voice.

Rick's heart pounded hard against his chest. The fear making him sweat and he could barely breath.

"Because she's the best person ever and I love her... take me instead!" Rick suggested.

The man looked like he considered it and Rick got some hope. But when the man turned his head to Rick he had an evil smile on his face.

"No, I'm pretty good with her. Plus you will both suffer more from this" the man said and turned to Kate, who was on the floor.

Her face was full with bruises and blood. Rick tried to get out of the chair the the hundredth time but couldn't do anything.

"No!" he shouted as the man lifted his hand and hit Kate in her face.

Kate cried, from the pain and Rick's heart broke again. It was the worst that had ever happened to him. He would love to be the one being punched instead, as long as Kate had been okay. But seeing Kate being the one suffer from the punches and kicks was heartbreaking. He had tears in his eyes and prayed that the man would stop.

"Please" Kate whispered and got a kick in her stomach.

She lost air and Rick screamed at the man.

"You know what?" the man asked Rick and pulled Kate up on her feet by taking her hair in his hands.

He went forward to Rick and placed Kate right in front of him.

"This is all your fault, you were the one who took her to this place, you were the one who wanted to go camping, you're not so good as you think. If it wasn't for you she wouldn't be in this situation. You're the one to BLAME!" the man went on and it felt like Rick was stabbed in his heart for each word.

Rick tried not to look Kate in her eyes, because the man was right. He WAS the one to blame. He had been the one forcing her to get along with this trip. If it wasn't for him she would be back in New York having a blast with her friends. Why did he have to meet her? If he hadn't done that she would have never gotten in ANY trouble. He had been the one making her look for her mother's killer, that had almost killed her. Hell, she had gotten shot! If it wasn't for him she would never had been so near death. And now THIS? She would never be safe with him. He would be the one who got her killed, and he couldn't live with that. He didn't want her dead. He wanted her alive and being happy. He looked up and into her eyes which looked back at him with a hatred so powerful he started to cry. She was all bloody and one of her eyes were swollen. The man laughed and Rick's heart failed him. She hated him, she knew this was all his fault. She would never wanna talk to him again.

"Rick" he could hear her voice but she didn't move her lips.

"Rick!" the room disappeared and all went black before he opened his eyes and looked up at Kate, her face full of beauty and perfection.