
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

They didn't look back. Not that they thought they were followed or something but because they were afraid that if they did they might get attention. When they had ran for what felt like hours they finally stopped and looked sound them, scanning the area.

"You see anything?" Kate asked and looked at Rick.

His eyes was concentrated before relaxing a bit.

"No, I think we should head to the treehouse. At least we're safe there, I think" he said and looked around to see if he recognized something.

"Yeah, that would be the best idea" Kate said and Rick pointed east.

"That way" he said and they started walking towards their safe house.

None of them could relax, they scanned the area over and over again while they almost jogged. They held each other's hand, Kate held Rick's not only for comfort but also cause she didn't want him to pull the same stunt as he had done two days before. Rick held her hand cause he didn't want to loose her. Since Kate didn't really know the way she was an inch behind Rick.

Rick suddenly stopped and pulled Kate with her behind a big bush. Kate was about to ask him what happened when he held his hand over her mouth. She nodded and he removed his hand before pointing at something on the other side of the bushes. Kate carefully glanced through the bush and saw two men with guns walking around checking the area. She looked at Rick and he took her hand. They'd have to wait until the men had gone before they could continue their way to the tree house.

"Where the hell could they have gone?" one of the men said.

"I hate this! How could they even escape?" the second asked.

"The boss said something on finding sticks at the door, how can they even know how to do that? The woman was a cop, she shouldn't know how to do that and she would never date a criminal. Plus the man was a writer, not a thief" the first one speculated.

"They couldn't have gone this far, let's check the way back" the second said before they continued walking the same way Rick and Kate had come.

When they got out of sight Rick stood up and dragged Kate with him.

"We need to get to the safe house before they find us" Rick said and Kate couldn't else but agree.

They did jog this time and after a while they got to the tree they'd been looking for. Rick climbed up and got the rope ladder from the other tree and they started climbing up to the tree house. Rick insisted on Kate being the first one and when they got up they hoisted the rope ladder before unlocking the door and go inside the house. Rick locked the door again and they both glided down the wall with relief. They were safe, at least for now.