
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Rick and Kate was at the door and Rick held the sticks, trying to unlock the door. It was hard cause he hadn't done this for years but he knew he could crack it, just like he had cracked open that lock hanging on the box when they were handcuffed together. While he did everything he could Kate started looking around, searching for something they could use as weapons in case they had to.

"This time we can at least do two things, and you won't get tired in your arm" Rick said and when Kate turned her head to glance at him he was smiling at her.

"Yeah, this is more effective" she answered and continued searching.

"But what I don't get is why you didn't use your flexibility when you tried to open the hatch" Rick said it with a smirk and gave her a wink.

She rolled her eyes but couldn't help smile and bite her lower lip. She could have used it but if she had it would have been awkward for both of them.

"Well?" Rick aparantly wanted an answer.

"I didn't think you could handle it, and clearly I was right" she said and smirked at him.

Rick looked offended but recovered quickly.

"You're probably right" he said and smiled before continuing with the lock.

Kate found a lighter and tried it to see if it worked. To her surprise it did, so she put it in her pocket and searched in another drawer. Suddenly she hears a click and when she turns her head she sees Rick smiling at her with amusement.

"You did it!" she exclaimed with a surprised facial expression.

She walked to him and first she placed herself so she could go out first but Rick shook his head and held her back.

"No, not this time. You don't have your gun, I won't let anything happen to you" he said and with an irritating sigh she switched place with him.

He slowly opened the door and glanced outside. They were lucky, there were no guards. He opened the door and they started sneaking out. They decided to go to their left down the corridor since there were those "emergency"-signs in that direction. They followed the signs and Kate every now and then glanced behind them to make sure no one followed them. They got to a door and Rick held Kate back to make sure she wouldn't try go first.

Kate didn't want Rick to walk through those doors first, she was afraid something would happen to him. But when she tried to make him be the last one he just shook his head sharp and she could see in his eyes that he couldn't let that happen.

Kate stood behind him ready in case there would be someone on the other side of the door. Rick opened it and looked out in the morning light. It took a while for their eyes to adjust to the bright light but when they did they couldn't see any of the men outside.

"Do you think we can get to the trees without them noticing?" Rick asked her and she looked around, deciding the space between them and the freedom.

"It's at least worth a try" she declared and they looked at each other before taking each other's hand and make a run for it.