
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Kate's head rested on Rick's shoulder. They had been there for hours and neither the man who had been there before or someone else had checked up on them. Kate felt the hunger take over and she felt very sleepy. She had told Rick to sleep, or more comanded since he didn't want to "leave her alone". But she could hear on his heavy breathing that he had fallen asleep pretty fast when he had given up. He had his arm around her and it held tight even though he was sleeping. At first she didn't thought he slept but when she had checked him she confirmed his sleeping. She had promised to wake him if anything changed or if she didn't feel safe. While he slept she fingered on his tshirt on his chest and tried to come up with a plan on how they could escape. In her mind she tried to visualize how it would end if they tried to get out when the men came back but the odds were too bad for that. Maybe they could find something in that room which could help them unlock the door. She tried looking around without waking Rick, she carefully placed his arm at his side and stood up. She still felt a little dizzy but not as much as she had when she had waken up to Rick's talking. She walked around the room and found some really small sticks, and she remembered Alexis told her that Alexis had managed to unlock the door in Paris thanks to Rick and her doing research for a book Rick wrote. She took them and went back to Rick. She lay down, resting her head on his chest again. She hid the sticks under the rug they were on and relaxed, breathing in the wonderful and familiar smell of her fiancé. She really hoped they would get out of this mess, she wanted to get married this September like they had decided. She wanted to call him her husband, to be called his wife.

Rick twitched and opened his eyes. He looked down at Kate who lifter her head.

"Heey, beautiful" he said and softly touched her face.

"Heey handsome" she said and turned her head to kiss his hand.

She looked at him, she drowned in his blue eyes. What she didn't know was that he drowned in hers too. They stared at each other for a moment before Kate remembered the sticks she had found.

"Do you remember anything from when you and Alexis tried to open locks with something simple as sticks? You know like the thing Alexis did in Paris when she got herself out to skype call you?" she asked and he looked at her with raised eyebrows but nodded.

She took out the sticks and showed them to him.

"Cause I found these" she said and smiled.

His face went from confused to surprised and then he smirke, he could get them out of there.