
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Kate ran down the stairs and almost knocked down Alexis with the speed.

"Why aren't you on your way?" Alexis asked chocked.

"I am, I just can't find my charger for my phone" Kate answered and got in the kitchen.

"I know you haven't been at our camping spot but I hate to tell you that there's no electricity at all out there" Alexis said with a worried smile on her face.

"No, I know. I bought a charger which you can charge your phone with without electricity at the moment, as long as you charged that one" Kate continued searching for the damn little thing.

"Are you ready?!" Rick shouted from the door.

Alexis went upstairs and when Rick didn't hear an answer he went inside to look for his fiancè. He now found her in his bedroom looking through some of the drawers.

"What are you looking for?" he asked with that cute questionmark-face he could have sometimes.

She told him what she had told Alexis and he started searching with her. After some minutes had passed Alexis cleared her throat from the door opening and the couple looked at her. She had the charger in her hand and a proud smile on her face. Kate thanked her and asked her where it was.

"Well, I just looked where you usually keep the stuff you don't want us to take" she said and Kate blushed.

Why hadn't she thought of that? Rick looked at her with a teasingly smile.

"Shut up" she said and went to Alexis to get the charger.

She thanked her once again and gave her a hug goodbye before she turned to Rick to tell him she would wait in the car. He nodded and she went out. Rick hugged Alexis and couldn't hep but laugh a bit.

"What?" Alexis asked.

"Nothing, just remembered some of the times when I took you out on a camping trip. I mostly remember you falling into that poison ivy and how much you tried to convince me you didn't, even though it was obviouse you had mistaken it for a..."

"Stop. Let's jut say that day never happened" Alexis said and walked away, shouting her goodby over her shoulder.