
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

"So, you two comfy in here?" a man said while he walked into the room where Kate and Rick was held captured.

When the man didn't get an answer he shrugged and started pacing around the room. Two men stood by the door with guns in their hands. The pacing man was in his fifties and had a nasty scar over his left eye, it followed all the way down to his chin.

"I guess neither of you are much of talkers. Who's the leader in the relationship?" the man continued but none of them moved.

Rick still had his arms around Kate, and when he saw the man starting to come closer he placed himself in front of her. Kate didn't like Rick putting himself in danger but he held her back. The man stopped two meters from them and looked at them with his right, icecold darkblue eye which was filled with darkness. You could almost see his dark soul through his eye.

"What did you see out there?" the man said with a dark voice.

Rick could feel Kate take a breath so he opened his mouth first.

"Nothing" he said and looked up at the man.

"What do you want with us?" Kate asked, sounding more secure than she actually felt.

The man smirked and started pacing again. Rick glanced back at his fiancé and when their eyes met he could barely see the fear he knew she felt. It was hard to notice and he had to really look to see it. She really was extraordinary, and the finest detective he had ever seen and the bravest person he had ever get to known.

"That depends, will you let this be and move on? But I think I already know the answer since your boyfriend here told me you're a cop over the phone this morning" the man said and glanced on Rick.

"The fact that I'm a cop should only make you want to let us go even more, the death of a cop and a consult for the police is a bad decision" Kate said threatening.

The man stopped in the middle of his movement and looked at her with his one eye. It was full with hatred but there was also that glimpse of he knowing she was right.

"I can do whatever I want without anyone noticing, you two just got unlucky you stumbled over my territory" the man spit and Rick started to get angry.

"Don't you dare talking to her like that, she is right, and you know that. There will be people looking for us, and you can not stop them from coming right here searching and find your little secret" Rick said and he felt Kate's hand taking a grip of his, squeezing it light.

The man snorted and walked towards them, Rick flung up on his feet and Kate tried to stand up to stand beside him, but her legs wouldn't carry her. The man raised his hand and before Rick could defend himself the man's hand hit his face. Kate couldn't hold back a scream. Rick fell to the ground and when he landed she immediately crawled to him and touched his face. The man laughed and walked to the door.

"See ya later" the man said before leaving them and they could hear the door lock.

"Rick?" Kate asked and looked down at his face.

His eyes was closed and she started crying. She was glad the man had left, she didn't want anyone to see her this vulnerable. The only one who had was Rick and her father. Plus her mother when she was alive. Kate didn't see much through her watery eyes but she felt Rick sit up and put his arms around her. Whispering calming words. He wiped her tears every now and then, he kissed her forehead, her cheek and her head too. She let it all out, and when she was done she looked up at him in his eyes.

"Thank you, for everything the past five years" Kate said and he looked at her first with confusion then he got a determined facial expression.

"We will survive this, like we always do" he said and kissed her head.

She got closer to him and let their lips touch. She felt the usual spark inside her and let her tongue touch his lower lip, he opened his mouth without any argument and their tongues linked together. His hand slowly went to her hair and played with it while she ran her fingers through his. She closed the opening between them and pushed her body against his. She had never felt this with any other of her boyfriends, not even her first love. They always say it's something special with the first, but that was nothing compared to this. Rick's hands went down to her hips and he gently lay her down making him being on top. When she pulled her head away so she could breath he just moved down and kissed her neck. Every time he touched her skin it felt like electricity moving through her veins. One of his hands moved from her hips and placed itself above her scar, the scar she got on her shooting. She always felt cold on that spot, except from the times he touched it. Those times she got warm and didn't feel so alone, as if he was there comforting her, telling her that she could tell him anything. Rick's lips were on hers again, he smelled like home. Despite the fact that they were held captured she knew that as long as she was with him, everything would be alright.