
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Rick bent down and kissed Kate soft and long. She kissed him back, still moved by all the sweet things he had said. It wasn't until he had mentioned that HE needed her that she had gotten the strength to get up from the darkness. Rick helped her sit up, without pulling away from the kiss. It hurt in her body but she didn't care, all she wanted was Rick. When they pulled away it was to get air. They both breathed heavily. Kate had her hand in his hair and Rick had his on her back. Their noses touching, neither of them wanted to pull away.

"What happened out there?" Kate asked referring to the moment he had told her to run.

"I wanted to keep you safe, and I saw this guy" Rick explained.

She looked him in the eyes and pecked his lips.

"How did you end up here, and what did they do to you?" Rick wondered, touching her face looking at the red line.

"I saw the tip of this house and decided the chance of you being in here were big so I went to it. But I only remember coming to one of the trees nearest the house, and then when I turned around everything went black. I guess they hit me, but at least they took me to you" she said, took his left hand and started playing with his fingers.

"You shouldn't put yourself in danger for me, I don't want you hurt" Rick said and Kate narrowed her eyes.

"So you can save me, but I can't save you?" she asked.

"Ummm... exactly?" he said and she rolled her eyes.

She looked around to see her surroundings.

"You know, I heard everything you said. And I need you too, always" she said and she felt Rick's gaze on her.

She smiled and looked down, her cheeks turning a light red. She hated blushing but when she did it with Rick it wasn't that bad, she always found him looking at her with his cute face and love in his eyes. Well, not always, sometimes there was that small evil smirk when he made fun of her but it was never uncomfortable.

"And what part made you wake up?" Rick asked curious.

"The 'I NEED YOU' part" she said and looked at him before kissing him again.

When they pulled away Rick looked around, he stood up and his hand reached down to Kate. She took it and he helped her up. They started walking to the wall and Kate stumbled, she fell in the arms of Rick who had seen it happen and caught her.

"You okay?" he asked and she tried to find her balance again. "Here" he said.

He helped her lean against the wall and slide down. He sat down beside her and she curled up to him, leaning against his chest, breathing in his smell. After what felt like an hour Kate was asleep, at first she had been afraid letting the darkness fall over her but Rick had promised her he would keep her safe while she slept. He watched her sleep, she looked so peaceful. The love he felt for her was so strong he couldn't put words to it, and usually he's the best with words, he's a writer for god's sake! But it didn't matter how long time he thought about it, he couldn't describe the love he felt.

Kate woke up with a twitch when the door suddenly flied open and Rick put his arms around her in a protective gesture.