
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"No!" Kate shouted and started running back, searching for Rick.

Didn't he start run after her? Didn't he try to save himself? Had he been so desperate trying to buy her some time that he had stayed trying to fight of whoever he had seen?

"Rick?!" she shouted but got no answer.

She started to run faster, her heart was pounding and she was panting. When she got to the spot where he had told her to run she saw nothing. She stopped and looked at the ground. She couldn't find any blood but what if he got killed? What if she would never see him again? Tears were starting to blur everything and soon they fell down her cheeks. She looked around and continued to spin, she searched for any clues, just one!

"Please? Please! Rick?!" she went around and her sobbing wasn't to much help.

All she could see was trees, bushes and more trees. Nothing else. She picked up her phone but there was still no signal. She leaned against a tree, slid down and let out her cries. After a couple of hours it was dark and she couldn't see anything but she was still on the ground by the tree, sobbing and trying to figure out what to do next. It felt like a part of her was gone, she thought of Rick. He must be so scared, her mind kept thinking of the worst scenarios he could be in and the tears kept coming. She shook her head and stood up.

"I'm not gonna let them hurt you" she said out loud and started walking east. She didn't know but it felt like it was the right way and for each step she felt one step closer to her fiancè.

Rick woke up in the darkness. He could feel the pain a bruise on his eye, he probably got it when he tried to overpower the man who had been a threat to him and his fiancè. He hadn't been sure if Kate was going to start run or turn and try protect them when he told her to run. But when she did he had turned around quickly and jumped at the man. He ha managed to damage the guy a little before someone else knocked him out through a punch on his backhead. Now all he could hope for was that Kate was okay, that she had gotten away from the guys and that she wouldn't look for him before she got back up.

"Well, well, well... Look who's up" a dark voice said and Rick looked up.

He could only see the silhouette of a man standing a few meters away from him.

"What do you want?" Rick mumbled.

"I want you to tell me were your girlfriend's hiding."

"Never" Rick spat.

He tried to stand up but his hands and feet were tied to his back.

"What do you know?" the man continued asking.

"We know nothing, I swear" Rick lied and the man slowly shook his head in disappointment.

The man turned and left Rick laying there on the floor, helpless. He tried to get his hands beneath his butt, he fought for a moment but it didn't help. He caught his breath since he had started panting from the exhaustion. When he breathed normally he tried again, and with a surprised look on his face he was passed his butt. He quickly moved his hands passed his feet and touched the duct tape around his feet. He tored it apart and started to bite on the tape which held his hands too tight. When he got through he stood up and looked around, hands out trying to reach the walls. When he finally felt the wall it wasn't just cold, it was also covered in something wet. The wet got stuck on his fingers and when he put the finger to his nose and took a sniff he got frightened. His heart pounding. The smell was of iron, just the kind of iron smell you get from blood.