
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Kate jumped up on her feet and ran to her gun. She pointed it towards the door and Rick stood behind her. He felt so helpless that he looked around and grabbed one of his boots.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Kate asked sarcastically.

"I'm gonna kick ass" he said and when she gave him a look he continued "to soon?"

She turned her head towards the door again. Someone knocked again but this time they heard it wasn't on the door. Kate pointed her gun to the window on her left and Rick sneaked to it. Kate followed him and when he quickly removed the curtain they both looked straight at a woodpecker sitting on a tree next to them. The couple dropped down to the floor with a synced sigh of relief. After a second Kate burst out in giggling. It didn't take long before Rick joined her with laughter.

"We need to find the man who called us, it sounded like he was their leader" Kate said and stopped laughing.

Rick did too and thought for a moment. Then he got up on his feet and looked out the window which they had seen the man with the gun through. The man was still in sight but this time further away.

"Maybe we should try follow one of them?" Rick suggested and Kate disliked the idea, not that it wasn't good, but it would put Rick in danger.

Herself too but she at least had a weapon.

"Come on, it's better that than stay here just waiting for them to find us" Rick said and he got a point.

"Fine, but we should be back here before the dark because I think this is the safest place out here in the darkness" she said and he nodded.

They got dressed and when they went out on the porch Rick locked the door. He was about to put the key in his pocket but decided it was best putting it back under the rug in case they had to split up to look for something and one of them came back before the other one.

They looked for the men before they climbed down the rope ladder. Rick had the rope ladder tied to a branch on the tree he climbed the day before so they would be able to get up in the tree faster next time. They went the way they had seen the last man walk, Kate with the gun in her hand. Rick found a big stick which he held on to, he didn't want to be the one without a weapon in case something happened. Now and then they took out their phones and checked for signal but they couldn't find any. It was weird but there was nothing they could do about it. They couldn't find the man they had seen through the window but continued walking the same direction and hoped they would find something.

"Do you remember if there were any houses nearby when you camped here with Alexis?" Kate asked Rick.

They had been small talking all the time but it was getting hard to think of other things than the bodies they had found.

"No, not that I can recall. I can't remember that grave either, and I promise we did go that way when we camped" Rick swore.

"I don't think you would have taken me out here with you if you had" Kate said and half smiled.

Rick gave her a sadly smile and they continued being on alert while walking. Rick heard something behind them and when he glanced back he saw a man stand with his gun pointing at them.

"Kate run" Rick whispered and pushed her behind some bushes.

Kate started to run thinking Rick was right behind her but when she had gotten pretty far and glanced back he wasn't there.