
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Why would this happen to them? Why did they have to be like a magnet to bad guys, huh? The time they tried to have a weekend of in the Hamptons a dead guy ended up in their pool and now, on their camping trip, they ended up finding a huge grave with a massiv amount of dead bodies.

Kate went to one of the windows, uncovering it just enough to look out at the trees around the small house. She felt Rick standing behind her and slowly leaned towards him. He put his arms around her and she relaxed her head on his shoulder.

Rick heard Kate's stomach making a sound and figured she was hungry. He let her go and went to the fridge. If he wasn't wrong there should be some food that he had left last time he was here. He opened it and found unopened paperbags with peanuts. He took it out cause even though it wasn't much it was at least something. He gave her the paperbag with the peanuts and she shook her head.

"We should wait, until we are in need for food. Or at least I will, you can eat some" she said smiling at him.

"If you're not eating I'm not eating" he said but thought about forcing her to eat it either way.

She saw the look on his face and stared at him.

"No, don't even think about it" she said and he sighed.

He went over to the fridge and put it back in. There were four bags and they wouldn't last long when they got real hungry, he knew Kate was right.

Kate saw something glimmering in the sun and looked at it. When the glimmering stopped she saw it was a gun. She was on the floor trying to hide and Rick was quickly at her side. He saw the fear in her eyes and watched out the window. He saw the man who held the gun and understood what she had related it to. The gunshot, her gunshot.

"Hey, it's okay, he hasn't seen us, okay? It's gonna be alright, I won't let anything happen to you, you hear me?" he had taken her in his arms and tried te get the fear out of her eyes.

Kate have herself a mentally b*tch slap because of her move. She had gotten through this with Espo, she wasn't gonna let ANY gun make her feel that coldness again. She took a deep breath and the fear was gone. She looked up at Rick and kissed him. He kissed her back and she could feel his arms putting them closer together. She climbed on top of him and run her hands through his hair. The spark they always had to fight when they were in the same room turned into flame and then into a big fire. They couldn't resist each other, never had been. Ever since day one both of them had felt the little spark between them, and it had only grown bigger and bigger for each year. When Kate had been shot she had lied to Rick and told him she didn't remember anything about the shooting, not even that moment when he finally had brought up the courage to tell her he loved her. She had known it was wrong of her keeping it from him but she needed time, time to think it through. Plus at that time she was with Josh, even though he had been a jerk all the time she hid herself in their relationship. She did tell him to back off, and that she would call him as soon as she felt better but then she didn't until she got back for work, three months later. He didn't take it very well but somehow she managed to keep him with her, she did want to get together but didn't know how she could do that with all that had happened to her. Almost exactly one year later he had told her that he had been in contact with someone who knew things about her shooting and her mother's death. That was when her heart was broken, she had loved him and trusted him and he had kept a part of her life a secret from her. But when she was about to get killed she couldn't keep her mind of him, of all the things he had said, all the things they'd been through. How much she actually loved him, how much he meant to her, that same night she went to tell him. And since then she had let her feelings out, the feelings which had been locked inside of her all those years. And the spark between them had grown even bigger. Now they were here in this tree house, engaged and kissing... at least until a knock made them both jump.