
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"Hey, I know this tree" Rick said and looked up in the tree he had bumped into.

Kate followed his eyes and higher up in the tree she saw the bottom of a tree house. She smiled and met Rick's eyes. She pecked him and looked around the tree.

"How are we supposed to get up?" she asked frowning.

Rick smirked.

"Easy, we climb that tree" he said pointing to the tree next to the house tree.

"Bu..." Kate began but Rick cut her off with a quick kiss.

"Don't worry, I get up and push down the rope ladder" he winked and started to climb up the tree.

Kate looked at him, amused by the thought of him doing that the first time. Wonder how he could do that with Alexis' help, if she were just a child when they made it. She heard something behind her an turned quickly with her gun ready. To her relief it was just a bunny which jumped away as fast as it could, scared of her. She lowered her gun but didn't take her edge off.

Rick climbed as fast as he could, he didn't like the thought of Kate being down there all by herself. When he was ten meters up he climbed out on a branch. He was in the same height as the tree house, he stood up and jumped over to the 'porch' of it and quickly checked in trhough a window to see if the house was empty, or at least empty for people. He took the rope ladder from the porch and hoisted it down to Kate.

Kate saw the ladder coming down and put her gun in her pants. She took a good grip and started climbing up to Rick who watched her every move. When she was 3 meters away Rick heard something and when he looked down he saw lights coming their way. He paniced and started pulling the rope ladder up while Kate was still on it. Kate stopped in her climbing and looked down, she now saw the lights too and held on tight while Rick pulled her up. When she was at the edge of the porch she took the last step herself and was up. Rick continued, now faster, pulling up the ladder. When it was up he looked down and prayed that the men down there didn't know about the tree house. Kate too watched the light under them and quietly pulled out her gun, just in case. Her heart were pounding real hard, so did Rick's.

"Why are we even out here? We should be waiting by the car, it's a bigger chance they come there" a man's voice said and Kate could tell it wasn't any of the men they had seen earlier that day.

'How many could they be?!' she thought to herself.

"If they would have gone there don't you think they would've been there by now? Plus we got guys standing there too" this voice she recognized.

It was the man who had called another one for moron, the guy who had cut the deer. Kate and Rick watched as the light continued walking east, away from the tree house. When they couldn't see it anymore both of them sighed high with relief.

"That was close" Kate said, fair in her eyes.

"Too close" Rick said and stood up.

He went forward to a rug and looked under it. Kate watched as he took out a key and unlocked the door to the tree house. The men was out of her mind cause now it was filled with a lot of questions.

"How did you even build this?" she asked and Rick opened the door for her.

When she went inside she was even more confused. There was a couch, a fridge and, best/worst of all, a double bed. Rick closed the door and locked it. He got to a drawer and pulled out matches and candles. Before he lit them up we went to the windows and pulled down curtains, making sure the men wouldn't be able to see the light.

Kate still stood at the same spot as she did when she asked her first question. She still waited for his answer. When Rick was done and there was light inside he went to her.

"I started building it like a normal tree house, you know, the ones kids find so funny, but ended up getting help with building a real tree house. The ones you always see spies have in movies" he said and she speechless.

He smirked and took her hand to pull her to the bed. She followed and when they got there he started taking of his hiking clothes. She did too, and only kept her shirt on. She didn't like sleeping without a pajamas or at least a shirt.

"Did Alexis help you?" she asked curious.

"At first she did, but when I started on the real thing she liked running around in the forest playing instead. When I was done she and I played spies. But then after that time we didn't come here anymore, probably because it took a while for us to come back so we just forgot about it..." Rick explained while laying down in bed.

Kate joined him and put her head on his chest.

"Well, I'm glad you remembered it" she said and with that said she relaxed and fell asleep.

Rick lay awake a while longer, mostly to make sure Kate really slept but also because he was afraid to let of his guard. He got sleepier and sleepier, though. Once he closed his eyes, he was out.