
Chapter 10

Charter 10

When they saw them, the men were standing over a deer. Kate and Rick hide behind some trees and looked at the men.

"What are we supposed to do with our visitors?" one of the men were asking, looked like he'd been the one shooting the deer.

"What do you think, moron?" when the first man didn't answer the second continued with a deep sigh. "We kill them, just like with the other ones."

The first man nodded and the second took out a knife from his pockets, then cut the deer in it's stomach.

Kate turned away with a gasp, feeling sick. Rick took her in his arms and looked closely as the men stopped in their movement.

"Did you hear that?" the first man asked full with suspicion.

'Oh no!' Kate thought and tried not to breath. She didn't want to be the reason they were discovered.

"Probably the crazy voices in your head, idiot!" the second man growled.

The first man looked hurt but then shrugged and nodded, agreeing. They took one foot of the deer each and started dragging it away. The darkness started to take over the evening and Rick thought about how they were supposed to sleep through the night without sleeping bags or a tent. All Kate could think about was what they were supposed to do about this whole thing. Were they supposed to solve this without back-up? Her mother always used to say that the universe never gives us something we can't handle. Kate closed her eyes in Rick's arms, she was so tired. They hadn't had a single pause the whole day, all because there had to be people murdering others out in this forest out of all.

Rick looked down at Kate's cute face. He saw her eyes being closed and couldn't help but smile at how peaceful she looked even though they had been placed in the middle of the crossfire. He looked up and studied the trees around them, until he remembered something.

"Hey, when I took out Alexis here some years ago we tried to build a tree house. If we're lucky I might find it" he half said half whispered to Kate, who opened her eyes and looked at him with a surprised look.

"You? You built a tree house?" she asked, being sceptic picturing him building a small house.

"Yes, I am capable to build stuff" Rick said and Kate smiled at him.

"Really?" she teased.

He sighed and pecked her lips.

"This way" he said and took her hand.

They went east, but turned north before they reached the grave. Kate shuddered at the thought of the gigantic hole with all those bodies. Rick tried hard to remember where he and Alexis put the tree house. He knew Kate still held her gun tight and thought about taking the flashlight out to look around them since the darkness had fallen. He looked back at Kate and saw her eyes looking everywhere, to make sure they were alone. He didn't look where he walked and ended up walking into a tree. He stumbled back and fell to the ground with a grunt.

Rick's hand slipped out of Kate's and she stared at him on the ground. She held her hand on her mouth trying to kill the sound of her laughter. He looked up at her and threw her a glare, which just made it worse. She tried to calm herself and reached down her hand to help him up. He took it and before she could think anything she was on the ground beside him. He pushed her down and kissed her. She felt the familiar flattery in her stomach and kissed his soft lips back.

"Even on the worst day there's a possibility for joy, right?" Rick quoted.

"Absolutely" she answered and kissed him one more time before they both got up on their feet.