
Masked 202

"He was tall and beautiful; she was lost in the divinity of his discernment"

Senaa_aa · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter Ten: Penelope has a Boyfriend?

"He did whaaaaaaaaaatttt????!", Katie shrieked.

"Cool it up a notch will ya, Katie; someone might hear us", Lexy said looking nervously around the cafeteria.

"The hell!!!! Who cares?", Katie didn't bother to calm down. "So you're telling me that Orion Mcmaliney held your hand and then he winked at you??????!"

"Sounds more like flirting to me, Lexy.", Harmony commented.

"OMG, Lexy! That's so hard to imagine! And did you say he was smiling??? When has he ever smiled before, you guys?", Britney added.

"Maybe he likes you Lexy".

"Isn't that wierd considering the way you guys were virtually enemies not long ago?", said Trick.

Mike laughed, "You were literally terrified nuts of the guy!, Lex."

"Now, she hated his guts!", added Steve.

"Crazy turn of events here, that's for sure.", Brian said.

The girls were fascinated about Lexy's story.

"So, Lexy, tell us more of what happened."

"Yh, Lex. Everything!!!!"

"Oh I wish I had been there too see this!"

"I'll be damned! I wish I were Lexy."

"Does he have abs?"

"How was his wink like? Super hot?"

"Is he still handsome upclose?"

"How did his fingers feel in your hand?"

"Was it romantic?"

They bombarded Lexy with millions of questions at once, giving her no chance to even answer any.

"You girls are just overreacting. Orion is not some super hero or God or anything, you know. He's just a normal guy. Like the rest of us.", Theo pointed out.

"Chillax bro, let the girls have their fun.  This is actually worthy news that'll go down in history, you know.", Brian laughed.

"Don't mind him, Brian. He's just jealous that Orion's wink is much hotter and definitely sexier than his!", she shot at him.

This sent the boys reeling with laughter while Theo stuck his chin up defiantly.

"So", Malory continued. " Do you think he likes you?"

"You too Mal?", Theo mumbled.

"Hey when it comes to Orion, even the quiet girls get involved.", Mike told him.

"I.....,". Before Lexy could respond, she saw Orion.

Something was off about him if not anything and she couldn't point it out until he was closer to the table. He was smiling.

'Wait, he's coming here??!!'

The students in the cafeteria were mind boggled about this. All Orion ever did when he did come to the cafeteria was find some dark corner and sulk.

"Oh..... hi Orion...."

"Hi Lexy. Mind if I sit with you guys at your table today?"

'He wants to whaaattt?????!'

"Oh... uh, sure. Why not? We don't mind, do we guys?

Katie scooted over to make room for him to sit. Beside Lexy.

A lot of emotions were running wild. Theo scowled, not bothering to suppress his utmost dislike for the intruder. Students kept staring at the table; some casting envious glances at the group Orion had decided to honour with his esteem. Penelope was furious that there was no more space left for her at their table; and it wasn't as if Katie was about to even allow her to sit there in the first place. She sat at an opposite table, with a group of nerds who recoiled like sheep from a hungry wolf when she sat down.

Orion Mcmaliney was from one of the world wide recognized dynasty of all time. He was wealthy and to top it all up he had the looks and the brains. He wowed even males.

No one said 'no' to him; he was untouchable. Alot of people would have loved to befriend him but then he wasn't overly welcoming; he rarely opened up to most people except one or two. Only Penelope even bothered, as Katie said, always trying to cling to him like a disciple of his. And though he didn't complain, he barely batted an eye for her.

One could call him rude but then he had nothing to lose. His admirers wanted to please him, be on his good side; if he gave them the chance that is. Others simply avoided the hussle, staying out of his way at all costs.

You can therefore imagine everyone's surprise when one day he was all smiles, sitting and talking with actual people like old friends.

However the table was awfully quiet and uncomfortable and he tried to make up for his sudden intrusion by initiating the conversation himself.

"So what were you guys talking about just now. Sounds like it was about me", his smile widened.

'Uurgh! Of course he'll take all the glory for himself, the obnoxious horse!!'. Theo fumed.

"What?! No, why would we talk about you   anyways?", Lexy denied, blushing. She turned away.

"Oh really?", he moved in closer to Lexy, staring into her eyes with intensity. His breathed swept itself over her and mesmerized, she turned away again quickly. Her eyes caught Theo's.

'He makes me sick!! Pfft!".

Theo's animosity was unmistakably obvious and Lexy feared that perhaps this could deter a relaxed relationship between Orion and her friends. Katie surprised her though; 'was this the same girl who had fought with him a week ago?'

She kept on passing complimentary remarks about Orion once in a while. A while was often.

"Jeez, look at the girls, man. They bewitched or something?", Brian texted to the secret boys only group he had just created.

"It's Malory's face that's killing me. Is that drool I'm seeing?". This was Trick.

They all turned to look at her and cringed.

"How does he manage to do all this by just smiling? That's all I see him do right now", Steve said.

"Bro, even when he was scowling, he had the same effect."

"Fascinating, isn't it? Not only our girls, take a look around the cafeteria, guys. It's a whole show.", added Mike.

"He's just a show off if you ask me", Theo said.

"Come on man, you've got to understand the girls. Having the looks, brains and some good money ain't easy. Even for me I'll have to admit he gets to me. No homo.", Brian texted.

"Yh, Theo. Cool it. Whatever Lexy did it must have done him a a whole world of good. Look at him," Mike said, "He's practically radiating with all the good humour he's kept hidden all this while. Let's give him a chance, what do you say, guys? Deal?"


"It's on."

"I second the motion, guys."


After a while he replied.

"I'm in."

Lexy nor the other girls knew what had transpired between the boys but by the end of lunch, they were all chatting and laughing together. Even Theo was very friendly, discussing some sports highlights with him. Almost immediately Orion was added to the secret boys group. Perhaps maybe he was apart of the gang already.

"Welcome to the team, bro."

It was time for Mr.Feguerson's class again so they moved to their respective seats.

Orion pushed Lexy's chair back, waiting for her to sit and almost immediately there were shouts and whoops around. All the boys began to do same, waiting on the girls like gentlemen. Some of the ladies flashed varieties red.

'Is this all for real?' Lexy kept pinching herself.

The teachers who had class with Room 6 that day were quite astounded to see Orion Mcmaliney actively participating in the lessons. He was smart and so they wern't bothered wether or not he was involved in the class. Besides that his social status made it a boundary for them to step over their limits. Therefore it was a complete shock that he spoke at all when all he did was fold his arms and be reserved during lessons.

It was Lexy who was in a daze all day, hardly paying any attention to the lessons. When school as over it took a great geal of yelling and shoving on Katie's part to bring her back to reality.

"Oh, uhhhh.....uhmm You guys go on ahead, I have to place these books in my locker. I'll catch up."

"No way! I'm going with you before you space out again. You guys, we won't be long", Katie interjected.

The hallways were empty, almost everyone had left. Almost.

Just before Lexy could open her locker, somebody pushed her from behind.


It was Penelope!

"Hey watch it! What was that for?", Katie yelled.

"Penelope, what's all this?", Lexy winced as she got up feom the hard tiles.

"Oh I'm sorry!", she said nastily. "Its not my fault someone is stealing, no trying to steal my boyfriend away from me!"

"Your boyfriend?? You have a boyfriend??", laughed Katie in shock.

"What boyfriend, Penelope? I don't understand what you are saying right now.", Lexy was perplexed.

'What is she even going on about?'

"Oh shut the crap! You know exactly what I'm talking about. Orion, you harlot!"

"Orion??? He's just my friend. Nothing more.", moaned Lexy.

"Oh really? Then why did he choose to sit with you today all of a sudden at lunch and in class for the rest of the day, huh? He was so mean to you before!", she spat out.

"I don't know, Penelope. Why don't you ask him, since he's your boyfriend. You said so yourself; he chose to. I didn't do anything."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Lemme get this straight.  You're telling me that Orion, Orion Mcmaliney is your boyfriend????", Katie burst into exaggerated mockery, leaning onto Lexy drunkly. "Girl, the boy's barely spoken to you before."

"You know what, Katie and I have to go. My friends are waiting. Bye."

Lexy began to walk away, dragging a crazy Katie behind her but Penelope barricaded the way with her body and pushed her again.

"You're not going anywhere until we settle this!!!!"

"Penelope!", Katie straightened up. " I thought you were one of those cool girls, level headed. What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"Just shut up you! This is between me and Lexy, not you!"

"Oh yh? Why? Cause you're scared to face me squarely?? Come on, tell me, is that it?. Anything that's got to do with my bestfriend is my business you here me!!!"

"Katie lets just leave....."

"You don't know me Lexy. You're not gonna take a step until..."

"What's going on here? Lexy, Katie, we've been waiting for two for ages.", a deep voice cut Penelope's. Orion.

Katie folded her arms haughtily and stated.

"Why don't you ask Penelope over here, Orion?"

"Well? Penelope, do you have any business with Lexy? Or Katie for that matter?", he looked concerned.

"Oh...uhhhh.....uhhh..... no, Orion, not at all. .....I....," she stammered.

Then suddenly, she smiled brightly.

"Oh it's nothing," laughing nervously. "Just some girl's stuff, that's all. Uhhh..... Orion, would you like to go home with me?". She moved in closer to him, batting puppy dog eyes.

He drew back. "NO thanks", he said simply. "I'll be going with Lexy today."

The smile vanished.

"Oh, uhhh... that's okay. Just fine. See you next week then. I mean Sunday. I'll be rooting for you."

"You mean for the team. Thanks. Aight, let's go."

Holding Lexy's hand he walked away, Katie skipping along. She stuck her tongue out at a mad Penelope, whose  mouth was open. To further mock her, Katie opened her own mouth, then shut it using her middle finger. Then she ran off to join her friends. They met up with the rest of the gang and together they made for home.