
Mary me

When I moved to Japan first day of school I fell in love with you but I do not know how to talk to you and he is the most popular kid at school A lot of girls like him and he don't like to talk to No one his favorite sport is basketball and he is so cute want to play basketball ❤️ and I want to talk to He but he ignore me so I had idea I am always give me my comment letters and he found out that it was me and so he said show me my grade he look at my grade he said I'm very smart can you tell me to tutor him on math he was not smart at math so I help he get better and after the test he ask out me for a lunch and we become a close friend everything is going good And When the new girl come in school Ignore me he don't talk to me and I was sad and she said she'll destroy our friendship and she tried to destroy a friendship And after lunch she came to bully me and she did not know he was watching and you saw she was bullying me so he said sorry to me and after high school we are almost about to go College and teacher asked everyone what they want to be when they grow up I want to be a doctor and he wanted to be doctor too and we were in the same page and our high school is doing good And we pass to go College and i'm so excited for first day of college and college is different than high school The library was so big and quiet after a month he do not want to be friendship with me he want to be relationship with me and said yes I feel so happy I had crush on he for four years I ask him when did he fell in love with me he said when I will start to tutor him and he said I was so cute and pretty when I'm sleeping oh the day accident I fell asleep on his tutoring today and and after the college we both become busy and I didn't get to see him time after because we both too Busy because we are doctor and he had to leave to America for one year so I didn't get to see He and I do not want to see him leaving so I didn't go to airport 😢 and after he came back he looks so different I do not remember he and he run a hug me and I know it was him and after two months he want to marry me I said yes so we had go meets our parents his parents like me and my parents like him so we are planning for wedding 👰 my wedding day is 10 day away and after 10 days my wedding day and I finally got married so my husband is busy now because like I said he was a doctor 👨‍⚕️ I have to quit my job because I was pregnant 🤰 and my husband care for me lot. THE END...