
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Cómic
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70 Chs

Shopping #10

Ororo watched as the simulation in the Danger Room ended, and the starry sky gradually dissipated, returning the room to its usual state.

She turned to face Evan, her expression a mix of surprise and admiration. "I must admit... I was somewhat skeptical, but you've proved me wrong," she said sincerely. "If you can write a simulation of the stars with such accuracy, then you are ready to start teaching as soon as today."

Evan's eyes widened slightly at her declaration. "So you've noticed...?" he responded, a hint of surprise in his voice.

Ororo nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Indeed I have. The placement of the stars was impeccable as far as I could judge. It's almost unbelievable," she admitted, impressed by his attention to detail.

Evan chuckled modestly, but there was a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised... with your power, it's only natural that you'd be an expert on everything that relates to the sky," he said, giving credit to Ororo's weather-manipulating abilities.

It was Ororo's turn to be taken aback by his observation. "I wouldn't go that far," she replied with a hint of humility. "But I am surprised you know of my power."

Evan's smile widened, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "I did my homework before coming here," he admitted. "I'm afraid spandex tights are not much of a disguise, Miss Munroe." He teased playfully, referring to the superhero costumes she often wore.

Ororo laughed softly, appreciating his sense of humor. "Touché," she replied, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Though, I can only hope your skill as an instructor would prove as sharp as your wit."

Evan's smile softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," he said. "I'm fairly confident in my ability to guide the students here..."

Ororo's expression grew warm. "Then I'm certain you will prove to be a valuable member of our faculty, Mr. Shepherd," she said sincerely. "I'll drop by Professor Xavier's office and inform him you are ready to start teaching..."

Evan nodded in appreciation and said, "Please do that... meanwhile, I'll be out to do some shopping..." His words caused Ororo to pause and raise an eyebrow, curious about his plans. Evan chuckled and elaborated, "I like to travel light... I came here with only the clothes on my back and a spare set..."

Storm smiled, understanding his preference for simplicity. "I'd offer to show you around the town as well, but I have some business to attend to..." she said apologetically.

Evan nodded understandingly, not wanting to impose on her schedule. "And I wouldn't wish to impose either," he replied. Evan's smile remained affable as he seized the opportunity to propose a lunch meeting with Ororo. "Though, if you are free in several hours, I'd love to share a lunch with you..." he suggested, his tone light and casual.

Purposefully trailing off, he added, "I still have many questions regarding the X-Mansion—questions that only a senior colleague such as yourself could answer..."

Amusement danced in Ororo's eyes as she playfully rolled them at Evan. "Very smooth, Mr. Shepherd. Luckily for you, I do happen to be free during lunchtime..." she replied, her lips quirking into a knowing smile.

In a fluid motion, Ororo reached into her purse, retrieving her phone and unlocking it with ease. Handing it to Evan, she entrusted him with the task of exchanging contact information. Evan understood the unspoken assignment, and with a confident touch, he began typing his number into her phone. Once finished, he returned the device to her, a sense of accomplishment lingering in the air.

A quick glance at the screen confirmed that the number was saved correctly. Ororo wasted no time, dialing the number, and within moments, Evan's phone rang, signaling the successful connection of their devices. A satisfied nod passed between them, knowing that their lines of communication were now established.

"Call me when you finish your shopping, and we'll agree on a meeting place," Ororo instructed, her voice steady and business-like. Her fingers moved swiftly to save Evan's number in her contacts, prepared to coordinate their plans.

"I'll do just that. Thank you again, Miss Munroe..." Evan responded with a nod of appreciation, his gratitude evident in his tone.

Ororo's smile softened, and she suggested a shift in their interaction. "I think it's time we dispense with the pleasantries," she proposed, her voice taking on a more casual and friendly note. "You may as well call me Ororo since we'll be working together." Extending her hand toward Evan, she offered a gesture of camaraderie.

Evan readily accepted the invitation, firmly shaking her hand. "Then, by all means, please call me Evan," he said with genuine warmth, embracing the newfound sense of camaraderie between them.


Evan strolled down the bustling streets of New York, the weight of two large bags filled with clothes and everyday necessities hanging from his arms. The past two hours had been a whirlwind of shopping, ensuring he had everything he might need during his stay at the X-Mansion. Now, all that remained was to secure a means of transportation before he could head back.

Though not on the same financial level as Tony Stark, Evan was still considerably wealthy. When the Chitauri invaded New York, he had been quick to seize the opportunity and scavenge the battlefield for valuable alien technology. Amid the chaos, he had managed to accumulate enough alien pieces to make even Nick Fury's eyes widen with envy. To capitalize on his findings, Evan sold off the less dangerous items, a move that significantly boosted his fortune.

There were many scavengers, most of whom were soon found and captured already. What set Evan apart was his future knowledge. He knew the impending battle was coming and had already initiated his scavenging efforts before the dust of the conflict had even settled. This strategic timing had allowed him to operate discreetly, escaping the notice of the world's heroes and intelligence agencies.

As he continued walking, his thoughts drifted back to the Battle of New York. It had been a harrowing event, but Evan's preparedness had paid off. The funds he had acquired from his sales had opened doors to various opportunities.

In the distance, he spotted a car dealership, and a smile crossed his face. It was time to acquire his transportation.

Before Evan could make his way into the dealership, his steps came to an abrupt halt as piercing screams filled the air. Instinctively, he turned his head in the direction of the sound, only to witness the walls of a nearby bank crumble, revealing a towering figure clad in a strange and menacing rhino suit emerging from the debris.

The man, who looked like a hybrid of man and beast, carried a hefty duffle bag slung over his shoulder as he charged through the bank's parking lot with incredible force, effortlessly flipping cars in his path and sending them hurtling through the air like toys.

It took Evan only a moment to recognize the bizarre villain; it was Rhino, one of Spider-Man's infamous foes. The sight of the rhino-suited madman caused a wry smile to spread across Evan's face as he mused, "That's New York for you... I wonder how long it will take for that guy to appear...?"

Despite the chaos unfolding before him, Evan seemed relatively unfazed, though he was well aware of the danger posed by such supervillains in the city.

Amid the chaos, terrified civilians scrambled in all directions, desperately seeking safety from Rhino's reckless charge. Sirens wailed in the distance as emergency responders raced to the scene, attempting to maintain some semblance of order.

As Evan glanced upward, he spotted a crimson and cobalt blur swinging through the urban jungle of towering buildings. It didn't take long for Spider-Man to make his heroic entrance. With acrobatic precision, the web-slinger closed the distance between himself and the rampaging Rhino, effortlessly leaping onto the villain's broad back.

Gripping Rhino's armored head, Spider-Man attempted to redirect the colossal brute away from the panicked crowd, valiantly trying to protect the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

Evan leaned against a nearby lamppost, watching the scene unfold with amusement. The clash of superheroes and supervillains was not an uncommon sight in New York City, a place teeming with larger-than-life characters and incidents. Evan himself had witnessed many super-powered individuals going at each other's throats, yet any incident involving Spider-Man was sure to be a spectacle.

He debated whether to let his curiosity get the better of him for a moment as he watched Spider-Man steer Rhino away. Interacting with the New York web-slinger in any way or form wasn't within Evan's plans, not to mention he had to keep a low profile.

Eventually, he shrugged and decided to indulge.

"Might as well..."


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